Category Archives: congratulations

Blood Donors

As a result of the generosity shown by everyone during our recent donating session, we welcomed 43 volunteers and collected 31 units of blood.  Your donations are already benefiting those patients in urgent need of blood or blood products in our hospitals.  Thank you for your wonderful support and we look forward to welcoming you when you next visit.

Lynne Willdigg/Blood Donor Services

Young Enterprise – Trenderprise

Congratulations to MCHS YES team Trenderprise on an excellent performance in the Renfrewshire Young Enterprise Regional Finals. In a competitive environment against 17 schools from across the region Trenderprise successfully picked up 4 awards in recognition of their efforts this year. The team presented an excellent performance and were a credit to themselves, their team and to the school. The awards achieved included:-

  • Best Regional Team Award
  • Marketing Award
  • Runners up for Best Report
  • Runners up for Best Presentation

 Well done to Andrew Bell, Adil Bhati, Mimi Black, Michael McDonald, Nicholas McNamara, Craig McQuillan, Robb McQuiston, Beth Mitchell, Taniya Mobarik, Hannah Quinn, Vivek Shreshta, Xixi Zhu.


Scottish Schools Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to all the runners who took part on Saturday at a very windy Irvine! All runners competed exceptionally well with some truly outstanding performances against the best runners in the country.

Special mention must go to Nikki Miller who cam second in the Girls’ Group C race and Holly Still who came 4th in the Girls’ Group B race.

Both girls have now been chosen to represent Scotland in the forthcoming Home International in Bolton on the 22nd March. Congratulations to both girls.

Christmas Jumper Fund Raiser

Mr Moghul in the Mathematics department was judged to be wearing the ‘best’ Christmas Jumper on Monday

Mr Moghul being presented with his scroll by Kate Jarvie

The Jumper competition was part of a series of events that took place on Monday to raise money for the Save the Children Typhoon Appeal.

The event was organised by Kate Jarvie of S2. As well as wearing of Christmas jumpers Kate organised a bake sale, lunchtime sing-a-long and best class Christmas jumper competitions.

As far over £860 has been raised.  A great BIG well done and thanks to all who contributed especially Kate for arranging the day.