All posts by Mr Phillips

Modern Language Exams

Well done to S4-6 pupils in French, Spanish and Mandarin who have completed their oral exams. The overall standard of the Performances was very high due to the pupils’ hard work and we now wish them success in their final written exams. Study hard!



Pupils involved in the Spring Concert should go to the theatre with their instrument and music at the following times on Thursday:

 Period 1                               

Woodwind Ensemble/Guitar Quartet

Period 2                               

Jazz Band

Period 3                               

Vocal Group/String Ensemble

Period 4                               

Junior Band/Percussion Ensemble

Period 5                               

Senior Concert Band/Gordon Burrows

Period 6                               

String Quartet/Soloists


Headliner meets World Challenge!

One of the activity stations during the S3 Headliner event was to create merchandise for the artist or group each house had been given to promote. Working in Art and Design, pupils created individualised draw string bags for their act. This involved pupils using their creativity, team work and communication skills. Thanks to Miss Plazalska for overseeing this activity station and helping pupils create their products.

Over the course of the day more than 20 bags were produced. S3 pupils suggested it would be a nice idea to donate the bags to charity or a developing country. Using the school’s previous World Challenge links, Mr Walker contacted the school in Cambodia which S6 pupils visited in June 2015. They were delighted by the offer and look forward to receiving their bags in the near future.

S3 Depute Head, Mr Hale, added ‘I was very impressed by the quality of merchandise bags created by pupils during this activity station. They clearly displayed an excellent work ethic to get the products planned and made in only 30 minutes and meet the tight time deadline!  I am pleased we have established a link with Snoeung Community Centre in Battambang to send the bags where I am sure they will be put to good use.’