Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Week

I’m a pupil get me outside here!

This week we have been celebrating Outdoor Learning Week…………… even in the rain and wind!

Lots of exciting activities and learning have taken place.

Keeping fit in the MUGA,  aerobics with Mrs Vallance.
Art in the Atrium, creating special decorated spoons for our assembly on Friday.
Classes coming together for parachute games.

Our theme today was Numeracy. Classes working together exploring and using new resources to support outdoor learning.

Was our ECO day. lots of activities taking place including paper making, recycling station and our Fairtrade Coffee Morning supported by the pupils from Yell and Unst. It was love;y to see so many friends of IMS.

Our theme today was Literacy, even in the rain the pupils still managed to venture out. We had the Stickman story and then the Fantastic Mr Fox which incorporated a treasure hunt.

Today was our “Wear it Green” day and the classes all had the opportunity to plan their own experiences………..
The sun was shining and every class managed to be involved in learning outdoors.
We had games in the MUGA, treasure trails, sensory trails, parachute games, Maureen our Art Therapist even took her session outdoors.

The day and week finished with an assembly from Classes Mull and Islay.
They had planned for everyone to decorate their own wooden spoons to placed on the mound.
A DVD was shown of classes Mull and Islay taking part in outdoor learning experiences and then everyone marched out to the mound to place their spoons. Thankfully the sun was shining………..