Tag Archives: GIRFEC

Parents’ Invite to GIRFEC

Parents’ Invite

Getting it Right for Every Child

Following a successful INSET day programme focusing on GIRFEC we would like to invite all parents/carers to an evening event at the school.

As only a few parents could attend the day time event we hope that the evening event will be more convenient.

There will be workshops focusing on:-

  • Out of school activities
  • Post School Transition planning   
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)


Monday 17th March 2014

6.30PM – 8.30PM

More details will be sent out via the class diaries

mAIRwaves have posted a new recording.

Interviews by the Head Girl

At our recent GIRFEC Conference ( getting it right for every child) our Head Girl Chloe had the repsonsiblity of not only introducing the conference but interviewing some of the keynote speakers and guests.

She interviewed Mrs Shaw, Director of Education, Mr Smiley, Senior Psychologist, Campus Cop based at Eastwood High School, parents and staff.

Chloe did a great job as she put them on the spot, asking what GIRFEC meant to them and what they would take away from the conference. 

Listen here to Chloe’s report:…….

Audio part 1

Audio part 2

GIRFEC Conference


Our GIRFEC Conference, Getting it Right for Every Child will take place tomorrow from 9:30am – 12:35pm.

A very informative day is planned with guest speakers explaining the GIRFEC message and we also have workshops, stalls and chat with visiting specialists form East Renfrewshire Council.
Staff from PAMIS, Inclusive Support, Cosgrove, School Health, Sleep Scotland, Sensory Support Service are amongst some of the services who will be on hand to offer advice and support.

Everyone welcome and you can drop in for some of the sessions if you are unable to attend the whole event.

Please note children are not allowed to attend this event.

GIRFEC Conference

Getting it Right for Every Child

Isobel Mair School are hosting an event on Friday 7th February 2014 to focus on how GIRFEC impacts on the lives of the children and young people who attend the school.

There will be a number of workshops available as well as visiting specialists from other agencies who can provide detailed information about the services they offer in relation to GIRFEC for IMS pupils.

The event will run from 9.00am until 1.00pm, including time for refreshments.

Please feel free to attend or drop on for some of the sessions. If you require more nformation please contact the school office.