Category Archives: Science and Technologies

Outdoor Learning

Bug Hunting @ IMS

Today we are joined by Joanne from the Open Air Laboratories who has come into school to run sessions with our pupils, about insects within our vast school grounds.

Primary classes will be putting on their raincoats and welly boots  to explore the grounds to see what bugs they can find and then hopefully match the bugs to charts.

The senior classes will be learning about worms and their habitats.

Class Bute’s Invention

Class Bute have been learning about materials for their science topic.

Here is a quick update of what they have been doing over the past few weeks.

Week 1 – as an intro they learned about the properties of straw, sticks and bricks via the story of The Three Little Pigs.

Week 2 – was all about sensory materials – gloop, waterballs, etc

Weeks 3 – 5  is all about transforming paper using ‘machines’ – punches, embossers, staplers, scissors and a paper crinkler.

This week class Bute are preparing for the Science Fair. Their  invention is a paper aeroplane launcher mostly for use to support pupils in wheelchairs in flying a paper aeroplane.
The class had great fun trying out this invention last week and you could hear the hearty laughter from Ethan as the aerolane was launched from outside the conference room.


Science Week

science week

We are all looking forward to science week starting on Monday the 16th.

Included are workshops involving a mobile planetarium from Glasgow University, A light defraction workshop from Starthclyde University, a Forensic Science mystery activity and a Human Body workshop from Glasgow Science Centre.

On Thursday we are having our science fair, where the children will display their science experiements. Parents are most welcome to come along to the fair between 10am and 11am.

Science Workshop

Come join us on Monday 26th Noveber from 7-8pm for a parents science workshop.

This event will take the form of a hands on workshop and will provide a taster of some of the skills involved within our Science and Technologies area of the curriculum.

So if you are interested in how to make lava lamps, fire extinguishers and plenty of other fun stuff then come along for a fun filled evening.

We look forward to seeing you.