Category Archives: – Pupils

Whalsay Assembly

World War 2

Class Whalsay led our assembly this week.

They invited their parents and family into school to watch their showcase.

They had prepared a presentation highlighting some of their recent topic work, World War 2.

They used the internet to  research information, collect photographs and they also visited a museum looking at lots of artefacts from the war.

The highlight of their assembly was a small drama piece all about the war. They dressed up as a charachter, sang songs and performed a dance.

Miss O’Brien took some video footage and Miss McMillan and Mrs Reed will show it to the class next week and use this as evidence for their achievement folders.

Have a look at some of our photographs below.

Grow Cook and Eat Showcase Lunch

Grow Cook Eat Showcase Lunch

We are holding our annual Grow Cook and Eat Showcase Lunch at Isobel Mair School on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at 12noon.

This is an invite only event to allow the pupils involved to highlight the skills they have undertaken during the past year.

Using the produce they have grown during the year, they will prepare a lunch for our invited guests and parents.

Here are some of our students working independently, using some of the new techniques they have mastered.

Gardening @ Ims

Gardening @ IMS

Classes Islay, Skye, Tiree and Whalsay have had a very productive morning, working in the sensory garden.
We were planting different flowers to make the garden more colourful. Lots of skills involved for the pupils and gave them a great sense of achievement.
All the hard work and digging was worth it, our sensory garden looks great although is a work in progress.





Scottish FA Disabilty Programme

Scottish Disability Football

Are you interested in playing football,  primary 1-7 , then why not come along and join your local disability football club.

Highly recommended by one of our parents whose daughter had a great time at the last session.

More details can be found by contacting David McArdle on 07725827234
or email:

click here for more details.

Next training event will take place 28 May 2013

Mary’s Meals Lunch

Mary’s Meals Lunch

Classes Tiree and Arran  invited their parents into school to have a special Mary’s Meals lunch on Friday 26th April.

Both classes worked very hard preparing their menu, shopping for the ingredients and cooking the meals……. lots of skills involved.

Class Tiree were very excited about making their soup and Pierce was able to tell everyone the ingredients involved in making the potato and leek soup.

Well done everyone.

Out and About Class Assembly

Out and About in the Community

Classes Skye and Lewis led our secondary assembly this afternoon and their theme was “Out and About in the Community”

Both classes have been working hard on their topics, visiting various places in the local community.

They have participated in visits to local shops and cafes, making choices, working as a group and exchanging money.

Independent travel has also been incorporated in our visits to Whitlee Wind Farm and the local recycling centre.

As part of their assembly a short movie was made to show the rest of the school the learning experiences that they have taken part in.

One of the pupils from Class Lewis introduced the assembly by reading out his introduction, a great achievement!

At the end of the assembly the pupils took part in a small discussion about the learning experiences that they saw in the DVD.

Well done to all the pupils from Classes Lewis and Skye.

Outdoor Learning Week

I’m a pupil get me outside here!

This week we have been celebrating Outdoor Learning Week…………… even in the rain and wind!

Lots of exciting activities and learning have taken place.

Keeping fit in the MUGA,  aerobics with Mrs Vallance.
Art in the Atrium, creating special decorated spoons for our assembly on Friday.
Classes coming together for parachute games.

Our theme today was Numeracy. Classes working together exploring and using new resources to support outdoor learning.

Was our ECO day. lots of activities taking place including paper making, recycling station and our Fairtrade Coffee Morning supported by the pupils from Yell and Unst. It was love;y to see so many friends of IMS.

Our theme today was Literacy, even in the rain the pupils still managed to venture out. We had the Stickman story and then the Fantastic Mr Fox which incorporated a treasure hunt.

Today was our “Wear it Green” day and the classes all had the opportunity to plan their own experiences………..
The sun was shining and every class managed to be involved in learning outdoors.
We had games in the MUGA, treasure trails, sensory trails, parachute games, Maureen our Art Therapist even took her session outdoors.

The day and week finished with an assembly from Classes Mull and Islay.
They had planned for everyone to decorate their own wooden spoons to placed on the mound.
A DVD was shown of classes Mull and Islay taking part in outdoor learning experiences and then everyone marched out to the mound to place their spoons. Thankfully the sun was shining………..

Daffodil Tea

Daffoldil Tea

As part of their £10 challenge, classes Iona, Mull, Tiree and Staffa have invited parents and friends into school for an Easter Daffodil Tea which takes place tomorrow from 10:00 – 11:00am.

The classes have been busy planning the event and  making some Easter decorations.
Invitaions have been sent out to parents of pupils in these classes.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Zumbathon with Susan @ IMS

Zumba with Susan

Many thanks to everyone who supported our Zumbathon today.

Our Zumba Instructor Susan, (Mrs Kidd’s sister) took 3 classes with the pupils this morning and they all had great fun, getting fit and having fun at the same time!

This afternoon it was the turn of the parents…………….
They were put through their paces and all took part enthusiastically, even during some of the more intricate moves!

Many thanks to everyone who turned up for the event and help support Amy get closer to her fundraising target for her rhythmic gymnastics.
We will update you tomorrow how much was raised.

Science and Engineering Week 2013

Science Week 2013

This week we are celebrating Science and Engineering week.

All the classes have been busy with individual topics in classes but have also had the opportunity to work with invited guests, sharing their skills and knowledge.

Monday:-  we made amazing sculptures from newspaper. Everyone taking part enthusiastically with team work and lots of great ideas!

Wednesday: –  we had a Chemistry lab as part of Science week. We had great fun experimenting with chromatography and made a bouncing ball from PVA.  All great fun and learning lots of new skills.

On Friday we are having a Science Fair in our MOD. Classes are displaying their topic work to show to all the classes and parents in the morning and some of the cluster schools are visiting us in the afternoon.

Zumbathon @ IMS

Get Fit with Zumbathon @ IMS

A reminder about the Zumbathon taking place in the school tomorrow.

We are holding a Zumbathon on Thursday 21st March.

We would like to invite pupils, staff and parents to donate £1.00 and join us to help raise some more money to enable one of our pupils Amy Clark to compete in the Special Olympics with her rhythmic gymnastic team.

 Every competitor has to raise their own funds to support the travel and accomodation cost at these events.

Pupils will participate in ZumbAtomic in the morning.

Parents will be given a full and sweaty workout 1.30pm-2.00pm.

Staff will be put through their paces 3.15pm-3.45pm.

Please join us in what is to be a great day for a great cause. Please complete the form sent home with your child if you wish to join us for some fun and help a good cause..

Cross Country

Cross Country 2013

Congratulations to some of our senior pupils who braved the cold weather yesterday to take part in the Cross Country event at Bellahouston park.

Everyone who completed finished the course but we had  2 medal winners:
Tonye won 2nd place and Cassie won 1st place.

Well done everyone who took part.