Category Archives: – Pupils

Sensory Science Fair

Table Label Science FairThank you to Miss Philo for organising our Sensory Science
Fair today.

Every class was invited to display an experiment they
have undertaken with their class and share it with others.

Lots of sensory fun and exploration taking place as the pupils
touch worms, create their name blindfolded, make  rain clouds
and lots of other exciting experiments.

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Art Work

This term, Class Staffa have been reading  the story book, “The Fairy Flag of Dunvegan” and created some art work to display
for everyone to see.

They also created a texture Vincent Van Gogh masterpiece.


Careers Fair

We are  delighted to have along members of our local community to talk to our students about jobs and careers in different companies and services.

The students were very excited to be able to ask our visitors all sorts of questions about career choices that are available. They spoke to staff from  Waitrose, Vets at Home, Morgan Sindall,
Enable Scotland, Action on Hearing Loss and many others.

Miss Philo who organised the Careers Fair, would like to thank the careers advisors and the representatives from all of the companies who came today for donating their time for our secondary school children. We could not have done it without you!

Take a look at the photographs from the rich
learning experience that took place this morning.



PI/VI Swimming Gala

Congratulations to the following pupils who took part in the physical impairment and visual impairment swimming gala in Blantyre yesterday.

Osman 1st10m backstroke novelty race
4th – relay
5th – 10m backstroke

Peter 4th- 10m front stroke
5th – 10m front novelty

Rebecca Murray –  3rd 10m front novelty
4th relay

Holly 3rd – 10m front novelty
4th – relay

Fraser McAlpine  – 1st10m front novelty
2nd – 10m front
4th – relay

Well done everyone







IMS Family Recipe Book

Class Whalsay have decided to make an “IMS Family Recipe book” as their enterprise project this year!

We would like to encourage all pupils and staff to bring in a recipe for the book. The pupils in class Whalsay will organise the recipes into categories: Starters , Main Courses, Healthier options and Desserts.

 We are hoping to get some local sponsorship to enable us to get nice printed copies of the recipe books and will be looking to be selling copies sometime between Easter and the Summer holidays.

If you have a recipe that you would like to be added to our recipe book, please send a copy via email or school diaries before Friday 12th March.

Thanks You

Class Whalsay


Yoga Fitness

Class Orkney have been working with Mr Coubrough during PE time.

They have recently been introduced to Yoga sessions and
have enthusiastically taken part.

Yoga helps them with , balance, coordination and concentration skills amongst others.
Have a look at the photos below.

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World Book Day

Last day of the World Book Day celebrations.

We have had lots going on this week to celebrate World Book Day.

Invited storytellers came into school and we also had a story from the child smile team.

Our senior management team led stories on Thursday and Friday and we finished off the week with a whole school assembly.

Classes have been engaging in lots of imaginative activities to
foster an enjoyment of reading.

We’ve had the Hungry caterpillar, Flat Stanley, the Gingerbread Man, the Smartest Giant in Town, the Borrowers and the seniors have been attending the library at Woodfarm High School to read some books. Flat Stanley treasure hunts took place around the school and the ISS@Ims group performed an interactive
“The Smartest Giant in Town” for the Family Centre pupils.

At this afternoons assembly, certificates were awarded to the
best dressed, and classes all presented about the activities
they undertook for the week.
The young people were so proud of their achievements and
took great delight explaining all about their book topics.

Thank you to Miss Dewhurst and Mrs Barron for organising World Book Day 2016

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Certificates of Achievement

Well done to all the pupils who received certificates at our primary assembly today.

Class Bute / Staffa Assembly

Well done to all the pupils from classes Bute and Staffa for
an excellent assembly.

The classes told the story of “The Fairy Flag of the Macleods”.

Both classes worked together on the story and then came together to perform their interactive story at the primary assembly.

Have a look at some of the photographs below.

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