Tag Archives: PE

Yoga @IMS

Class Orkney had a great learning experience yesterday with Eileen, the Yoga specialist.

Eileen introduced the pupils to some exercises which are fun, educational, physical and progressive.

Yoga enhances physical flexibility and  promotes physical strength.  It develops focus, concentration and encourages pupils to focus on the physical effort.



PE with Mr Holmes

Some of our senior pupils have been working with Mr Holmes during their weekly PE sessions.

This term they are focusing on the skills required for football and hockey.

Everyone working really hard, listening to instructions and following the drills.

Brogan said they were working on their skills for the next friendly football match with Kersland School.


Yoga Fitness

Class Orkney have been working with Mr Coubrough during PE time.

They have recently been introduced to Yoga sessions and
have enthusiastically taken part.

Yoga helps them with , balance, coordination and concentration skills amongst others.
Have a look at the photos below.

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