Category Archives: – Pupils

Friday fun at IMS

Busy morning at Isobel Mair School with lots of learning taking place.

Class Harris have been making a banana loaf as part of their Health & Wellbeing.
Skills involved include: following a recipe, measurement, team work, using utensils and safety in the kitchen.

Class Jura have been reading their favourite books and chatting to each other about the stories.

Class Sanda have been working at the SMARTBoard and R has been using her PODD communication book to chat with her teacher. She said she was feeling sunny and silly!

Class Staffa and Skye  were excited to be working on  numeracy skills this morning, differentiated teaching skills to meet individual needs.

Independence skills at snack time is promoted throughout the school. Pouring juice into the cups with no spillage is a tricky job but look at the concentration on her face.

Watch this space for more updates from the classes.





Classes Yell and Fetler have been working on their school assembly which will take place in a few weeks.

They decided to write a short whodunit  type play…………………..”There’s been a murder”.

So with teacher support they came up with some ideas and created a storyboard.

This afternoon they filmed some of the scenes, very exciting as they all got into character.

Class Lewis

Class Lewis had a very busy Monday morning working in small groups during their Maths & Numeracy and Literacy targets.

Zain and Joey  worked independently using Education City.

Great work everyone.





Remember to take part in I am Team GB tomorrow.

On Saturday 27 August, we’re teaming up with our returning lottery-funded Olympic heroes to create the nation’s biggest ever sports day, I Am Team GB – and you’re invited!

Brought to you by The National Lottery and ITV, there will be lots of great ways to get involved, including thousands of fun, free events across the country.

Say you’re in today – and see what’s happening near you!

PE with Mr Holmes

Some of our senior pupils have been working with Mr Holmes during their weekly PE sessions.

This term they are focusing on the skills required for football and hockey.

Everyone working really hard, listening to instructions and following the drills.

Brogan said they were working on their skills for the next friendly football match with Kersland School.


Sensory Art

Class Arran have been making handprints during their sensory art activity.

They were encouraged to select their own colour, explore the smell and texture of the paint.  Peter then followed instructions on how to make his hand print.

The best part was when the glitter tub was introduced and the pupils were able to experiment where to place it. Not all of it went on the hand prints though!


Self Assessment

Self assessment time in class Shetland.

Class Shetland  worked hard today and  Mrs McConnell is rewarding them with  happy faces for good work.

One of our new P1 pupils  was singing the happy face song to Jake, which he loved!

Once they put up their happy face, they have to count how many they have.


Education Committee

Some of our senior pupils, including our Head Boy Marc
Wilson attended the Education Committee meeting this morning
to talk about their recent visit to Lochgoilhead for the annual
“Make your Dreams Come True weekend”.

Miss Scrimgeour introduced all the pupils, including Zara and
Zohaib from Woodfarm school and gave a brief overview of the
weekend and then supported the young people with their answers.

Stewart talked about how he took part in the very first
Duke of Edinburgh bronze award.
Hiking and an overnight stay in a tent were some of the activities
he talked about.

Marc explained how we took a group of students from class Arran and how they loved the water activities on the boat.

Zain used his AAC  device to ask if he can go back to Lochgoilhead next year. He was so pleased with himself.



Let’s get busy at IMS

The first week at IMS is almost complete with everyone excited and keen to learn and as Stuart said “up for the challenge”.

All our new entrants have been very busy , settling into
class routines, meeting new friends, welcome assembly and host a class this afternoon.

Have a look at some of the fun things that have taken place this week.

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ISS@IMS visit to RCS

Mrs Laurie’s ISS@IMS pupils had an amazing time, when they participated in Drama workshops at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. 

They had great fun working with their tutors Thom and Robbie.  It was all about finding their voice and increasing confidence, all of which was achieved.

We would like to thank Mona Keeling for organising the fantastic workshops for us, and pupils hope to continue to work with the Conservatoire in the future.


Sports Cup

Thank you to Alex O’Donnell and his family for the donation and sponsorship of the Sports Cup.

As this was his last year at Isobel Mair , Alex and his family wanted to do something for the school and came up with the idea of awarding the sports cup to the person with the most outstanding achievement each year.

This is a lovely idea and will certainly be an incentive for the pupils to win the cup for all their achievements.

Farewell to our Leavers

Thank you to everyone who came to support our young people, who are leaving school this year at our Leavers’ Service at Newton Mearns Baptist Church.

It was a very emotive time as we looked back at all the children through the years through video and narrative.

Time to “Shake it Off”  say farewell to;

Aden         Natalie         Sean             Christopher       Jamie          Andrew
Bilal           Fraser           Sophie         Sara                        Alex           Jonathan

All aboard

Summer Outings

All of our classes have enjoyed their summer outings to end the term and celebrate the pupils moving onto new classes.

We have had visits to the Experience, Falkirk Wheel, beach, soft play centres and lots more.

This is the opportunity for the pupils to have fun and generalise the skills they have been learning throughout the year.