Category Archives: Parents

Parents’ Evening

Parents’ Evening will take place tonight in main campus and at Yell @ WWHS for our post 16 pupils.

Appointments will have been sent out via the class teacher.

Mrs Goodlad will be available in the foyer this evening for Health and Wellbeing discussions.

We look forward to seeing you all this evening.

Parent Council Christmas Fayre

Good luck to the Parent Council who are holding the annual Christmas Fayre to raise money for school funds.

Please come alomg to the school tomorrow morning, Saturday 1st December at 10am and support a great cause.

The parent council  have worked extremely organising the event and are very grateful to everyone for their continued support and contributions.

Loch Awe’s £10 Challenge

Loch Awe staff and pupils have put on their thinking caps to come up up with a creative idea for the annual £10 challenge set by Mrs Wallace.

They decided to raffle a St Andrew’s day hamper………….  staff  from Loch Awe very kindly donated scottish items to fill the hamper and tickets have been sold to all the staff and parents and to date they have raised………………………………………… top secret
We will reveal the total once the raffle has been drawn at assembly on Friday.

Tickets still available from Loch Awe up until  Friday lunchtime.

Science Workshop

Come join us on Monday 26th Noveber from 7-8pm for a parents science workshop.

This event will take the form of a hands on workshop and will provide a taster of some of the skills involved within our Science and Technologies area of the curriculum.

So if you are interested in how to make lava lamps, fire extinguishers and plenty of other fun stuff then come along for a fun filled evening.

We look forward to seeing you.

Donations required for Parent Council Christmas Fayre

The parent council are looking for parents/carers to donate any good quality CDs, DVDs and books for our Christmas Fayre.

If you have a clear out and wish to send some items into school, please hand them in by Friday 23rd November.

Many thanks to everyone who donated bottles last week, we really appreciate your help.

If you are available to help on Friday 30th from 3.30pm or Saturday morning, please contact the school.

Parent Council

Get Safe Online Awareness Month

East Renfrewshire Council are running a Get Safe Online Awareness campaign during the month of November, reaching out to staff, citizens and small businesses.

GetSafeOnline is a UK joint initiative between government, law enforcement and leading businesses. They provide computer users and small businesses with free, independent user friendly advice that allows them to use the internet confidently and safely on a wide range of issues including how to protect and destroy a PC or mobile phone, recognise scams, protect privacy and what to do when things go wrong.

Click on the following link to find out more.


MacMillan Coffee Morning

The pupils and staff in Loch Ness Wing classes  – Arran, Cumbrae and Sanda – held a Coffee Morning in aid of the MacMillan Nurses on Friday 28th September.

Parents and families were invited  along to have coffee and delicious home made cake, followed by active participation in class activities.

Some of the parents were treated to a lovely session with our music therapist Brian Smith, while others participated in sensory stories.

Thanks to the generosity of the families we raised the magnificent sum of £300 for the McMillan Nurses Appeal.

Parents’ Evening

A reminder that Parents’ Evening will take place this evening in main school and at Yell in WWHs for our post 16 pupils.

Appointments will already have been made with the class teachers.

Our Speech and Language Therapists will be available for any advice.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Green Fingered Parents

Many thanks to our “Green Fingered Parents” who helped out with the maintenance of the Sensory Garden on Friday.

It’s looking fabulous and has been admired by all the pupils, staff and visitors.

Great job everyone!

Leavers’ Assembly 2012

All welcome to join us for our Leavers’ Assembly 2012 tomorrow at 10.30am in Newton Mearns Baptist Church.

We will bid farewell to four of our students who are moving onto college and adult placements and also to Sophie who is moving to the USA with her family.

We wish them all well in their future placements.

Summer Mela

We are celebrating our summer Mela today. We will be participating in activites such as African storytelling, Russian cookery and American line dancing.

This afternoon we are holding a showcase event which parents and friends are invited to come watch. This gives our pupils the opportunity to highlight all the hard work they have been participating in over the last term.

So come along to IMS at 1.15pm for some Shakespeare, Bollywood dancing, human animations and more…….. .