Category Archives: Parents

Mellow Initiative

Mellow Parenting

We are in the process of trying to develop a programme to help support parents with children with additional support needs and we
would welcome your views on some of our ideas.
We are Lindsey Macleod / Cockshott (clinical psychologist) and Rachel Tainsh (programme development officer with Mellow Parenting).
We both have children with additional support needs as well as a good bit of professional experience in this area.
We are keen to work with Isobel Mair School and Family Centre and other colleagues from East Renfrewshire Council to explore ways
of helping parents in the challenges they face in their relationships
with their children. If you would be willing to meet with us for a coffee
and a chat about this we would really appreciate some feedback on our provisional plans. It would be an informal get together and we would very much value your thoughts. If you are interested please come along to “Coffee and Chat” at Isobel Mair School on 
3rd May  1:30- 2:30pm.


ASD Parents’ Forum

Come join Brian Smith our Music Therapist  at the  ASD
Parents’ Forum on Monday  7th March, 6.30pm – 8.00pm. 
Brian will share information and experiences and then there
will be the opportunity  for  coffee and chat afterwards.
All parents welcome

Research Study

Would you like to take part in a research study?

Dr Lisa McCann is a researcher from the University of Surrey and she would like to invite families with children and young
people under 19 years old living with undiagnosed complex health care needs to participate in a research study.
Lisa is interested to learn about ways in which technology could
help support families to stay at home with their children and
young people, but families don¹t need to know about or be using technology to take part in this study. There are two ways families can take part ­- either by participating in an interview with Lisa
or by completing a short survey.

If you would like to know more about the study and think you may be able to help, please contact Lisa on or 0141 249 0921 to discuss further.


Coffee and Chat

coffee and chat









Our next coffee and Chat will take place on Thursday 4th February from 10am -11.30am.

One of our parents,Tracey Campbell will have an informal chat about a parents perspective on AAC including PODD.

We hope you can make it along for this informative session.

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been working with Skills Development Scotland as part of the programme of work underway in Developing the Young Workforce.
They have produced some tailored information for parents, as part of the successful “in a nutshell” series, which covers the new Careers Education Standard launched at SLF 2015. This new nutshell will supply parents with basic information about the initial role of this programme in schools and signpost them to where they can get some more information if they need it.

Click here for more information

Message from Mrs Clark

It is with great sadness that I am writing to tell you that
we unexpectedly lost a  member of staff yesterday.

Karen McLaughlin had been with us at Isobel Mair School since 2004 as a PSA and Instructor. She was devoted to the school and the children and continued to work on despite some major health issues.
Karen had scheduled surgery last week and sadly passed away
after complications.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the McLaughlin family.

Sarah Clark
Head Teacher

Engage Event

engageforpcfsbanner-copy#ENGAGE  Specialist Children’s Services

Do you or your family access NHSGGC Specialist Children’s Services?

Join us at the SCS #Engage Event to find out more…….

A fun, FREE day out at the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday 30th November.
Talk to us, engage in conversations about children and young people’shealth and wellbeing. Get involved in activities and enjoy the exhibitions and entertainment around the venue. There’s FREE PARKING, food, and drink too!

In association with Yorkhill Children’s Charity, and hosted by the Glasgow Science Centre….

Click here for more information



Christmas Fair Donations

Ready, steady, bake!


IMS and Parent Council are looking for any donations of
home baking for our Christmas Fayre  on
Tuesday  1st December.

Home baking will be used in the tearoom and you can buy
some delicious cakes at the stalls.

Donations should be handed in to the school on
Monday 30th November or Tuesday 1st December.

Thank You for your continued support.