Category Archives: – Achievement

Thank You

Thank you to funding from the” Big Lottery Fund – Awards for All” we were able to provide some of our pupils with a week of fun, learning and amazing experiences.

Rachel from Everybody Dancing company spent the week with us providing the pupils  with opportunities to move their body, be creative and communicate in a fun and engaging way.

Our final day ended with a showcase for parents and an evaluation of pupil progress.

What are we going to do next week…………….




Flying High at IMS

This week classes Cumbrae and Arran have had the most amazing Aerial experiences with  “EveryBODY Dancin”, Water Baby and Dirty  Feet Dance companies.

It is incredible and everyone is raving about it!

It has been inspiring to see the pupils relax as the week has progressed and allow them the opportunity to experience dance in a creative and fun way.

Communication is a big part of the process and when the students from Dirty Feet dance company joined us on Wednesday they were looking at the pupils communication….. were they happy or sad? vocalising for more or did they want to stop.
Alongside the school staff they completed assessment sheets to show the progress of the IMS pupils communication during the sessions .

Have a look at our photographs below and more to follow tomorrow.




everyBODY can fly………

Class Arran had to wait for their turn to bust some moves on
the aerial ropes.

Once they had a safety talk and demonstration from Rachel, they were all ready to go! Christopher was tracking Rachel during the demonstration, desperate for his turn.

Rob and Peter were the first to get harnessed up whilst the others watched.

Roll on tomorrow when they can have another turn and learn to make some spontaneous movements and have opportunities to communicate to their partner during start and stop activities.



Flying high………

Class Cumbrae were the first to experience the Aerial experience this morning with the “EveryBODY Dancin” company and Water Baby and Dancing Feet dance companies.

After the initial introduction of the staff and demonstration, it was all systems go….. Millie was so excited she was shouting out “Let’s get started”

It was lovely to see the pupils communicate for more, and using their feet to make movements. Alexander was pushing his hand against Rachel (@everyBODYdancin) to make his cocoon move.

I’m sure as the week progresses we will see the pupils much
more relaxed and making attempts to manoeuvre themselves
and create some moves with collaboration with their partners.


Aerial Experiences at IMS

Everything is all set for the Aerial experiences with Everybody Dance an Inclusive community and aerial dance company born from Blue Eyed Soul Dance.

Staff, including our dance specialist from Waterbaby Dance and Dirty Feet dance companies having some training and then the pupils are all set to fly…….. Exciting week ahead at IMS.

Arial dance with Linda



PI/VI Swimming Gala

Congratulations to the following pupils who took part in the physical impairment and visual impairment swimming gala in Blantyre yesterday.

Osman 1st10m backstroke novelty race
4th – relay
5th – 10m backstroke

Peter 4th- 10m front stroke
5th – 10m front novelty

Rebecca Murray –  3rd 10m front novelty
4th relay

Holly 3rd – 10m front novelty
4th – relay

Fraser McAlpine  – 1st10m front novelty
2nd – 10m front
4th – relay

Well done everyone








DSCF8577Congratulations  to
Alex O’Donnell, our Head Boy  who has been invited to the Projects Showcasing event at Celtic Park next week.

Alex will welcome special guests and show them to their seats.




Marc WAlso Congratulations to Marc Wilson who has been awarded a trophy for cadet of the month.

Certificates of Achievement

Well done to all the pupils who received certificates at our primary assembly today.

Class Bute / Staffa Assembly

Well done to all the pupils from classes Bute and Staffa for
an excellent assembly.

The classes told the story of “The Fairy Flag of the Macleods”.

Both classes worked together on the story and then came together to perform their interactive story at the primary assembly.

Have a look at some of the photographs below.

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Thank you

Many thanks to the  4 students, Jen, Joe, Sharon and Hannah from Royal  Conservatoire Scotland  for working with pupils from Class Tiree.

The pupils gained so much from the workshops and
the performances. They had a great time forming friendships
and exploring the theme of ‘finding your voice’; finding who you
are and being proud of it.

The session finished today with two performances to staff
and pupils from school and also to some of the students from the Royal Conservatoire course.