Category Archives: – Achievement

Open Morning

Class Staffa invited their parents into class for an open morning.

They watched the morning group and then the premier of their class assembly which they are going to perform to the whole school this afternoon.

It was a fun filled, interactive morning with the children sharing their skills and knowledge, empowering them to become successful learners and confident individuals.



School Tour……….

Today we welcomed visitors from East Dunbartonshire Council who were visiting the school.

Our Head Boy, Michael and School Captain Jamie, led the tour and introduced them to all the classes and showed them specialist areas, such as the art room, sensory room, spa and outdoor atrium.

Well done to Michael and Jamie for all their hard work today and being great school ambassadors.

“What Scotland Means to me”

Capturing the beauty of Scotland…………

Class Tiree and Whalsay took part in a photography project during the 1st school term.

They displayed all the photographs they took and invited their parents into school to view and purchase the portraits.

The class then entered some of the photographs into a competition organised by “Scran”. The competition was held to celebrate Scran’s 20th year and asked schoolchildren to show “What Scotland Means to Me” in a photo.

Class Tiree  impressed judges with their group picture and won the additional support needs category.   Their image promotes an  atmospheric shot, with varied shades of green that invite you to wander down the path and into the woodlands.”

The school and class were delighted when they heard the wonderful news and were so proud of their achievements.

The images will now become records on Scran, sitting alongside material from National Museums Scotland, National Galleries Scotland and the Scotsman newspaper.

This afternoon we welcomed two visitors from Scran,  to present the award to class Tiree.

The school has won three iPads for use in its classrooms which I’m sure will allow the pupils to continue to take amazing pictures of their local community and beyond during outdoor learning.

Look out for the framed image next time you visit the school.



Head Boy Ceremony

Head Boy of IMS 2014/15

Congratulations to Michael Di Paola who attended the East Renfrewshire, Head Boy Ceremony this morning to thank him and all the other Head Boys and Girls for their support to the schools over the past year.

Michael prouldly accepted an engraved plaque & certificate from Mr Fitzpatrick, Head of Service and Councillor Green.



SQA Verification

sqaWe recently had a visit from SQA as part of the External Verification for National Qualifications that take place within the school.

We are delighted to share with you part of the excellent report.

Part 7

Good Practice

Please provide examples of good practice witnessed during the Verification activity.

The centres’ presentation of materials was excellent. Staff had developed teaching materials of a very high standard to meet candidates’ needs. All activities recorded were exciting and motivating for candidates.

In many cases the candidate was able to achieve more than was being asked in certain units – the centre will review this next session.

The Practical Craft Skills unit was also delivered in a very innovative and holistic way which encompassed most of the school!

Special Games

Our Special Games today were a huge success and enjoyed by all the pupils.

Every pupil participated in the activities, working alongside their peers and friends from St Cadoc’s and Crookfur Primary schools.

Thanks to Mr Holmes who organised the event and worked with our Sports Co-ordinators to ensure the events were challenging and enjoyable.

Have a look at the photographs below.


West of Scotland Swimming Gala


This morning five of our pupils, Osman Munir, Peter Brown, Fraser McAlpine and Rebecca Murray from classes Bute, Sanda, Skye and Shetland  set off to Blantyre Sports Centre to take part in the West of |Scotland Swimming Gala for pupils with a physical and or visual impairment.

They all had the chance to swim against peers from other schools in a friendly and slightly competitive atmosphere.

The races  included 10m front stroke, 10m back stroke, as well as a novelty race and a relay.

Results are in……….

Congratulations to all our swimmers.

Osman, 1st place in the backstroke and 2nd place in the novelty race.

Rebecca Murray, 1st place in the front stroke and 3rd place in novelty race.

Peter Brown, 2nd place in front stroke and novelty races.

Fraser McAlpine, 2nd place in the front stroke and novelty races.



French Cafe


As part of their SQA module, Class Shetland invited their parents in to school for a french cafe.

They were greeted at the door by Marc who welcomed them with “Bonjour”……..

The pupils decided on a menu for the cafe and shopped for their ingredients.

Have a look at the photos below.



Thank You

A huge thanks to  St Cadoc’s Football Team who have raised a fantastic amount of money during the winter league.

The boys decided to donate some of the money to the school.

This afternoon we were delighted to welcome them to our assembly as they presented us with an amazing cheque for £1000.

We are delighted with this and informed everyone that the money would be used to purchase some;

  • Tartan for Reels on Wheels
  • New hoodies for the Cross Country Team
  • New robes for the spa
  • Yoga mats.

Thank you to everyone involved for this very generous donation.

Photos to follow


Winter Cafe @ IMS

Classes Tiree & Whalsay have been busy preparing for their Winter Cafe.

They planned the menu, created invites, made a shoppping list, went shopping and then distributed jobs to specific people.

Today they have finally been able to put all their hard work into the event and demonstrate how successful and confident, they are in their learning.

They have invited the parents from both classes in for lunch and openened up the menu to  all staff.


BBC Ten Pieces

Classes Whalsay, Tiree and Jura have been working on the BBC project, Ten Pieces to inspire young people to get creatvive with classical music.

They have been learning how to make music using parts of their body and simple sounds.

Over the past two months they have composed their own piece of music which was filmed today and will be uploaded to the BBC as part of the Ten Pieces Proms.

They also created a piece of art work as part of this project.

Look out for some budding musicians in the near future!





Burns Assembly

Roberts Burns

Last Friday we celebrated Burns day with a whole school assembly which included some of  the children from the Family Centre.

All the classes participated by either, singing, exhibiting art work or reciting some poetry and our Reels on Wheels group performed 2 dances for us.

It was a great event, promoting confident individuals and successful learners.

Have a look at some of our photographs below.

Class Yell Show and Tell

Class Yell have recently been studying  Robert Burns.

They researched facts about his life and devised a quiz for their parents to take part in for the “Show and Tell” which they had invited them to.

They created an invite for the parents and also invited Mrs Clark, our new Head Teacher.

They recited some poems and even sang “Auld Lang Syne”.

The students also prepared lunch for their visitors which included haggis, neeps, tatties and  delicious Cranachan.

Have a look at some of the photographs below.


Sensory Performance

Classes Arran and Cumbrae have been working on an interactive sensory story “Stig of the Dump”.

During art sessions they have created a large cave as part of their story and have incorporated lots of visual and sound effects using the iPad and mini projector.

They are performing this to some of the classes on Friday, and everyone looking forward to it.

Photos to follow………