All posts by Ms O'Brien

Drop in Sessions with our Educationals Psychologists

East Renfrewshire Educational Psychology Service is delivering three online one-hour parents’ sessions in March. The next session will take place on Wednesday 10th March 6:30-7:30pm and Thursday 11th March 4pm -5pm 

The aim of these will be to explore how Covid has affected how children and young people think, feel and behave, and to discuss ways that you can support your child through the current challenges.

The sessions will refer to our Healthier minds website and resources ( and will involve input from partners across East Renfrewshire who support children and young people’s mental wellbeing.

Click here if you are interested in attending either of the sessions and an email will be sent with how to join the session.

Click to access THE-IMPACT-OF-CORONAVIRUS-sessions-for-parents-and-staff-fin_.pdf

Additional Needs Partnership

Additional Needs Partnership – East Renfrewshire

Click here for ANP – Information Booklet

ANP are a partnership of groups, agencies and organisations who come together to share information specifically relating to Additional Support Needs and Disabilities across the community.
During this unprecedented time of COVID-19 we are staying in touch and using different ways of communicating that allows us to support each other.

The Additional Needs Partnership want to complement the information which is already available, even more so in this ‘new normal’, working together with everyone to help people make the right choices.

Click on the link above to view the booklet.

Zoom Session – What is Communication?

Wednesday 3rd February at 7pm

Tonight one of our parents, Tracey Campbell is having  a zoom discussion “What is communication?

We will discuss communication concepts to help us support people who struggle to communicate using spoken words

This is the zoom link for later. Hope to see lots of you there.

Mairi Watkins is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

The meeting ID and passcode can be found on school app and email sent out via school office.


Live Assembly

Reminder that our live assembly will take place on Thursday 4th February  at 1:15pm , link to follow.

Don’t forget to wear your fancy dress costume or funny headgear.

What will Mr Crossan be wearing I wonder……. We look forward to seeing you all.

Deadline approaches for Best Start Grant School Age Payment applications

The deadline for families to apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment is 28 February 2021.

The one-off £250 payment is currently open to families with a child born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016. It can be used for anything from a warm coat to books and toys.

Parents who have deferred their child’s entry to school from August 2020 to August 2021, or those home educating, should still apply before the closing date.

Click here to access the file.

Surviving through Story

Book your tickets now! £30 for professionals and free for parents and carers (email for the discount code if applicable). 

Surviving Through Story  are running a series of three online training workshops each month starting this month on Thursday 21st January, 4:30-5:30pm. The Personal Storysharing with Story Massage workshop will be co-run with Mary Atkinson. co-founder of the Story Massage Programme and Gill White of Pamis.