mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

This week on mAIRwavesFM  class Whalsay and Tiree discuss their recent findings all about safety in the kitchen.

Musa was our guest presenter and introcued this weeks topic.

The class had an interactive lesson using the SMARTBoard, where they had to find dangers in the kitchen, then identify them and state why they would be a danger.

Their learning intentions and success criteria can be found below

Learning Intentions:

1. To understand the dangers when working in the kitchen

2. To identify who can help us when we are working in the kitchen

 Success Criteria:

1. I can state 2 possible dangers when working in the kitchen

2. I can state the name of 1 or 2 people who can help me in the kitchen

Listen here to see if they have met their success criteria.