Parent/Carers Group

Are you interested in attending  6 week groupwork programme  for parent/carers of children and young people who have additional support needs.

The content  will cover things like behaviour management strategies, welfare benefit entitlements, what is local area co-ordination, PCP. The aim of the group is to inform, empower and enable parents/carers which will ultimately benefit the young people they care for. There will hopefully be speakers from other agencies too.

Roberta Margison will be  facilitating the evening group with Lynn Devine and the daytime group with Lucy Rutherford.
An information letter and application details will be sent out soon  to parents. Places are limited so please ensure to respond early.

 The groups will take place on the following dates:

Evening group Every THURSDAY beginning 24TH October, 6PM – 8.30PM for 6 weeks at Williamwood High School.  (Week 2 will be held on Wed 30th due to Halloween).

 Daytime group will take place Every MONDAY beginning 28th October, 10am – 12.30pm for 6 weeks at Williamwood High School.