Tombola Donations

Classes Yell, Fetlar and  Yell are looking for tombola donations for the christmas fair.

Suggested items include chocolates, bottles and any unwanted gifts.

Thank you for your help supporting the school.  Please send any donations into the school offce.

Farewell Angus

The primary department held a very special assembly today.

Class Shetland and some of the primary classes bid farewell to one of their friends, Angus as the family move to New Zealand.

They made a slideshow and presented Angus with a photo book of his time at Isobel Mair.

We wish you well and hope you keep in touch.

Christmas fair

Come join us on Thursday 7th December, 6:00pm for our Christmas Fair.

There will be crafts made by pupils and some independent crafters are joining us to share their wonderful crafts.

We will also have carols from the Community Unity Choir.

We look forward to seeing you and you will have the opportunity to buy some Christmas gifts.

ISS@IMS Enterprise

Thursdays ISS@IMS group at Corrie House have been very busy lately.

On Thursday, 16th November they held an enterprise activity where they took orders for breakfast rolls, cooked them and delivered them to classes.

They raised an amazing £118 well done everyone and I’m sure there were a few tired students that night.

GenISYS Research study

We are looking to invite families who have a child with autism (and intellectual disability) and a typically developing sibling (aged between 6-16 years) to participate in our research study. Funded by the Baily Thomas Foundation and with University ethical approval, this study investigates sibling relations – looking at how siblings play together and how their emotional wellbeing relates to how they get on when they are together.

We are therefore writing to enquire whether it would be possible for the email below to be circulated to the parents/carers of any pupils in your school with a diagnosis of autism (and intellectual disability).

If any families are interested in taking part in this study, they can directly contact the research team.

At this stage we are not seeking for you to do anything beyond forwarding the invitation to relevant families.

We would really appreciate it if you feel that you can support this request. Please contact us if you would like any further information about the project.

The GenISYS team

Dr Katie Cebula (The University of Edinburgh)

Dr Debbie Riby (Durham University)

Prof Richard Hastings (University of Warwick)

Dr Laura Coulthard (Durham University)

Miss Amanda Gillooly (The University of Edinburgh)


Phone number: 0131 651 6612


Shoebox Appeal

Classes Tiree, Mull and Jura are taking part in The Shoebox Appeal 2017, through the charity Blythswood Care.

They will be filling shoeboxes with a variety of gifts and resources in order to help make people in less advantaged areas of the world happy this Christmas.

They would be extremely grateful if you could help us fill as many boxes as possible by sending in to school some of the resources listed on the attached information sheet by Friday 10th November. Empty shoe boxes and Christmas wrapping paper would be helpful too. If you wish, you can find more information about this appeal at .

Every little gift donated will be greatly appreciated by someone this Christmas! We look forward to being part of this exciting opportunity and hope you can join us.

Click here for a check list on suggested donations

Many thanks,

Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Simpson, Miss. Helmore and Miss. Devlin

Fire Safety

What a great Fire Safety assembly from classes Whalsay and Harris.

During their presentation they  reminded everyone of all the important points to keep safe this bonfire night and then finished off with a quiz.

Class Whalsay joined them for some dancing around the bonfire.

Remember to keep safe everyone and have fun.