Come join us at Eastwood Theatre tonight, 7pm for Stargaze Drama performance of Oliver.
Miss Antelmi and all the pupils are excited to showcase their performance after all their hard work.
Ticketed still available at the door.
Good luck everyone
Come join us at Eastwood Theatre tonight, 7pm for Stargaze Drama performance of Oliver.
Miss Antelmi and all the pupils are excited to showcase their performance after all their hard work.
Ticketed still available at the door.
Good luck everyone
Thank you to Andrew Robertson ( Hull City),
Blytheswood Apartments, Rettie and many other members of the local Mearns community for all your very generous raffle donations to support our special event.
We were able to commission a very special painting called
“Elegant Storm” to be placed in the school as a special memory for staff and pupils, of a very dear colleague and friend who
passed away suddenly.
This afternoon, Karen’s family came into school for the unveiling
of the painting. They were also presented with a smaller painting and memory book to take home with them.
Some of our primary pupils led us during the welcome and school songs, highlighting the Makaton signs.
Have a look at the painting next time you are in school.
This morning we welcomed the Black family to class Sanda for coffee and the unveiling of Benjamin’s Buddy bench.
The school wanted something to remind them of Benjamin who passed away last year and the buddy bench was suggested by one of the pupils. This was a lovely way to remember Benjamin.
Some of the pupils worked with Mo, our visual artist and decorated the bench leaving a space for Benjamin’s family to contribute.
This morning Mum, Dad and Benjamin’s brother and two sisters all painted a design on the chair to remember him.
I’m sure the children will use the chair for quiet times but the older children know that if a child sits on the chair, they might need someone to help them or to chat to.
Shared Reading
We have added the hand out for this evening’s activities at the AAC@IMS Communication Club this evening.
Click here to view the handout
Anyone attending the club tonight can bring favourite books that they might want to share with other.
Check out Tar heel Gameplay – Games everyone can play.
A collection of free, easy-to-play, and accessible games. Each game is speech enabled and may be accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens and 1 to 3 switches.<!– Click here to learn more about alternative access methods.–>
You may create your own games using videos from the huge collection at YouTube.
Friday, 6th June was a very special night for some of our senior pupils.
Our 6th Year Leavers from Yell @Woodfarm High School
thoroughly enjoyed the 6th Years Leavers’ Graduation and Prom.
After the graduation ceremony at Woodfarm High School, our
pupils enjoyed a lovely meal at the Carnbooth House Hotel followed
by lots and lots of dancing.
Thank you to everyone who helped make it a special night.
Supporting Independence Enterprise and Nurturing Achievement.
Innovative programme for adults with learning disabilities
28th June -7th July and 19th July – 28th July
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
Class Aran and ISS@IMS group enjoyed the joint trip on the seagull Trust barge at the Falkirk wheel yesterday.
They had a super day for this sensory experience and Aden presented the boat master with a photo of the Kelpies which he will display on his boat.
Come join us next Thursday, 16th June at 1pm for our Sports Day.
Various activities will take place and remember to bring your running shoes………….
Classes Lewis, Staffa and Jura have worked with staff including Zoe and Aby from the Lifelong Learning department at the Royal Conservatoire Scotland this week on a Limitless workshop called “Under the Sea”.
Today class Lewis came bouncing into the adventure as they
were so excited to be back working with the students again.
They were so engaged and immersed in the theme of the
project under the sea.
The pupils had the opportunity to experience dance, music
and drama under the umbrella of “Under the Sea”. The repetition
of the songs immediately caught the attention of all the pupils.
Exploring instruments and the sensory props were a
particular favourite but the intensive interaction and
joint communication that was taking place between the pupils
and the students was very emotive.
We had Fay playing along with the guitar, Alexander
singing, Matthew shaking the shakers, Robbi and Zakeeb joining in
with the parachute games and Christopher was our very
own camera man, interested in the filming that was taking place.
Have a look at the photographs of Class Lewis’s session.
Tiree pupils helped some of our parent gardening volunteers in the sensory garden this morning.
All classes were asked to grow some plants and class Tiree grew peas in class and helped to look after them.
Today they transplanted them into the sensory garden. The pupils were all very excited to help Freya’s mum and Amber’s mum look after the sensory garden.
AAC Communication Club will take place on Thursday from 7-8pm.
The topic this week from Tracey Campbell is Reading and Communication :-
This is the 3rd week of the club and lots of ideas have been shared. Come along and share ideas and resources with other parents and staff.
All welcome
Our Healthy Lives at IMS will take place on Wednesday from 6-8pm. Spaces still available if you are interested in attending.
Good luck to our 6th year Leavers who are attending the Woodfarm High School prom tonight.
Have a great time everyone.
Photos to follow.
Thank to all the families that came to our Healthy Lives at IMS last night.
I’m sure you will agree it was most enjoyable and lots of fun ideas to share.
The pizzas looked amazing and so healthy.
Thankfully the sun was shining and we were able to use the grounds for some parachute games.
We have commissioned our visual artist, Mo Rocksmoore who works with our pupils to paint a mural at the entrance to the school.
It has a very special meaning and will be revealed when the mural is complete.
Watch this space!
Some of our senior pupils headed out yesterday on a trial run of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award challenge.
The real event takes place on Friday 17th June at Lochgoilhead.
They made their way to Eglington park in Ayrshire and set up camp.
Late afternoon they set off on an adventure, learning how to use maps to navigate their way to a central point.
All of these opportunities gives our young people an opportunity to be independent, self-sufficient and to be challenged as an individual.
Dinner was the highlight of the evening’s activities and pasta was the order of the day!
However we made the most amazing s’mores……….. and we had a great night telling stories and gazing up at the stars.