Thank You

Thank you to Andrew Robertson ( Hull City),
Blytheswood Apartments, Rettie and many other members of the local Mearns community for all your very generous raffle donations to support our special event.

We were able to commission a very special painting called
“Elegant Storm” to be placed in the school as a special memory for  staff and pupils, of a very dear colleague and friend who
passed away suddenly.

This afternoon, Karen’s family came into school for the unveiling
of the painting. They were also presented with a smaller painting and memory book to take home with them.

Some of our primary pupils led us during the welcome and school songs, highlighting the Makaton signs.

Have a look at the painting next time you are in school.





Benjamin’s Buddy Bench

This morning we welcomed the Black family to class Sanda for coffee and the unveiling of Benjamin’s Buddy bench.

The school wanted something to remind them of Benjamin who passed away last year and the buddy bench was suggested by one of the pupils. This was a lovely way to remember Benjamin.

Some of the pupils worked with Mo, our visual artist and decorated the bench leaving a space for Benjamin’s family to contribute.

This morning Mum, Dad and Benjamin’s brother and two sisters all painted a design on the chair to remember him.

I’m sure the children will use the chair for quiet times but the older children know that if a child sits on the chair, they might need someone to help them or to chat to.