Let’s score some goals……

Our primary and senior pupils were all set for the
football tournament against Kersland School as part of the Learning Disability Week and ERDA East Renfrewshire Disability
Action group. Vivien from ERDA joined us and reported on the game.

The primary pupils kicked off the game with senior pupils cheering them on in the background. Lots of team work taking place between both teams.
The final score was 6-4 to Isobel Mair.
Well done everyone.

After cheering on the primary pupils, the senior team were raring to go…….
Alex Oliphant scored with his first kick of the ball, 1 -0 IMS.
The friendly tournament continued and it was touch and go if Alex was going to let anyone else score, he was on fire……. However Joshua A added a few more goals to the tally.
Alex O’Donnell saved a few good goals from Kersland and the
final score was 10-2 Isobel Mair.

Congratulations to everyone who took part on the field
and supporting from the side-lines.




Due to the success of our AAC @ IMS web page, we are
currently developing an ASD @ IMS web page.

This is a joint venture with school and parents, therefore if you would like to contribute any ideas/information that we can share with others then please send to the school office.


Stargaze Drama presents……..


Stargaze Drama group will be performing their version of Oliver on Monday 13th June in Eastwood Park Theatre. The performance will begin at 7PM.

Tickers are now on sale, priced at £4. If you would like any tickets contact the school or visa the school diaries.
Tickets may be available on the night but cannot always be guaranteed.


Dylan’s Ben Nevis Challenge

Dylan, one of our primary pupils from class Staffa is climbing Ben Nevis this weekend to raise funds for Scottish Autism. If you would like to sponsor him, you can donate via ‘just giving’ page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/DylanMackenzie or send in a donation via the school diary.

Any support would be gratefully appreciated and I’m sure you will join us in wishing Dylan the very best for his challenge.

Healthy Lives @IMS After School Programme

Healthy Lives @ IMS

As part of a pilot project being run at the school, we would like to invite you to attend two taster sessions of a programme called ‘Healthy Lives at IMS’. The project will focus on educating the young people about healthy eating and exercise, with support of their families.

Healthy Lives @ IMS

Wednesday 1st June, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Wednesday 8th June, 6:00 – 8:00pm

Each taster session will be structured as follows:

  • 6:00 – 6:15pm      welcome and introduction.
  • 6:15 – 7:00pm      healthy cooking session with catering specialist.
  • 7:00 – 7:15pm      break with refreshments
  • 7:15 – 8:00pm        group activity with Active Schools Coordinator.

Places on the programme are limited and must be booked in advanc,. If you wish to reserve a place for you and your child, please complete the sign off form sent home via the home school diaries.
If you require more information, please contact the school directly.




Play Club/Jump Club

SupERkids – run for our children by their parents – are pleased to invite you to our Play Club. This is for either our young people to either bounce on the inflatables (if wet) and if dry go outside and participate in team events suitable for their age range. It should be a lot of healthy fun!

Dates                          Thursday 19th May – 30th June

Duration                   60 minutes per session

Location                    Isobel Mair School grounds

Cost                             £15 for 7 weeks which includes drinks and snacks.


Please call Gail and Michelle (inclusive support) on 0141577 3367 if you would like to attend or call Nicola Kelly (SuperERkids parent) – 07786462870

Superhero Assembly

Thank you to everyone for taking part in Superhero Day as  we helped raise some money for Clyde1 Cash for Kids.

Gemma Harley, one of our pupils made an amazing Superhero cake for her class and some of our classes took part in a quiz.

Miss Philo and class Orkney organised  a few super hero hampers to raffle and would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the very kind donations.

At assembly our raffle winners were announced and also the best dressed costume. Congratulations to Rosie and her mum who decorated a Wonder Woman T-shirt.

We are delighted to let you know that we raised £

Class Jura also performed their version of the Gruffalo at the assembly. We are all so proud, what great achievements for them all.

Outdoor Learning

Minibeasts Hunt

It was a lovely sunny day yesterday and Class Tiree and Whalsay  decided to go on an adventure, looking for minibeasts in the school grounds.

They found a ladybird, some worms, spiders, bees, beetles, centipede and slugs and snails, all very exciting!

They then looked at their minibeasts  through magnifying glasses and recorded our Mairwaves blog.


AAC@IMS Communication Club

Thank you to everyone who came to our very first AAC@IMS Communication Club last night.

It was lovely to see everyone and have the opportunity to share ideas and success stories.

Many thanks to one of our parents, Tracey Campbell for organising the club with support from school staff and we look forward to the upcoming events to support our young people with  communication.

Remember if you have any information/ideas you would like shared with others, please let us know and we can add it to the AAC@IMS web link.


AAC@IMS Communications Club

Reminder that the  AAC@IMS Communications Club organised by one of our parents (Tracey Campbell) will take place tomorrow evening from 7-8pm.

Can you please have a look at the hand-out also  on the AAC@IMS link to give you an idea of the plan for the following weeks .

We look forward to seeing you and siblings are  welcome to come join in.

Superhero Day

We are supporting Cash for Kids Superhero Day on Friday  & looking for Superhero items for our raffle hamper. Can you help out?

Friday 13th May,  we are supporting Clyde 1’s Cash for Kids day.

We ask that all children wear a superhero costume and bring in £1. We are also raffling a Superhero Hamper with tickets selling for £1 a strip.

If you are able to donate anything superhero related to go into the hamper please send it in next week- we really appreciate your support!