Message from Mrs Clark

It is with great sadness that I am writing to tell you that
we unexpectedly lost a  member of staff yesterday.

Karen McLaughlin had been with us at Isobel Mair School since 2004 as a PSA and Instructor. She was devoted to the school and the children and continued to work on despite some major health issues.
Karen had scheduled surgery last week and sadly passed away
after complications.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the McLaughlin family.

Sarah Clark
Head Teacher

Christmas tree

Time to decorate the tree

The girls from class Jura  helped to decorate the Christmas tree, in preparation for the Christmas Fair next week.

Leia was desperate to put the star on the top, and they all thought it  was funny when the tree almost toppled over………

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Engage Event

engageforpcfsbanner-copy#ENGAGE  Specialist Children’s Services

Do you or your family access NHSGGC Specialist Children’s Services?

Join us at the SCS #Engage Event to find out more…….

A fun, FREE day out at the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday 30th November.
Talk to us, engage in conversations about children and young people’shealth and wellbeing. Get involved in activities and enjoy the exhibitions and entertainment around the venue. There’s FREE PARKING, food, and drink too!

In association with Yorkhill Children’s Charity, and hosted by the Glasgow Science Centre….

Click here for more information



Christmas Fair

Countdown to Christmas Fair

We are on the countdown to Isobel Mair School and Family Centre and IMS Parent Council  Christmas Fayre  on
Tuesday 1st December from 6.00-8.00pm.

Come along and support the school and buy some creative
crafts that the pupils have been busy  making. We will also have some other craft stalls available to buy some Christmas gifts.

All welcome

parent council christmas flyer

Swimming Gala

West of Scotland Swimming Gala

Congratulations to Stuart Cherry & Rachel McCarron who both  won medals at the recent West of Scotland Swimming Gala.

Stuart – Silver and Bronze
Rachel – Bronze

We are so proud of everyone who took part and some pupils even achieved personal best times.

Christmas Fair Donations

Ready, steady, bake!


IMS and Parent Council are looking for any donations of
home baking for our Christmas Fayre  on
Tuesday  1st December.

Home baking will be used in the tearoom and you can buy
some delicious cakes at the stalls.

Donations should be handed in to the school on
Monday 30th November or Tuesday 1st December.

Thank You for your continued support.


Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Life – A Parent’s Perspective.

Practical hints to help your child to communicate.
24th November 10-11am at Hamden School.

Suitable for parents and caregivers of all children who can’t yet participate fully in conversation, regardless of their stage of development.

Call 0141 429 6095 to reserve a place or click on the link for more booking details.
Click here for more details

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

AAC picAugmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Life – A Parent’s Perspective.

Practical hints to help your child to communicate.
24th November 10-11am at Hamden School.

Suitable for parents and caregivers of all children who can’t yet participate fully in conversation, regardless of their stage of development.

Call 0141 429 6095 to reserve a place or click on the link for more booking details.
Click here for more details

Open Afternoon

Classes Whalsay & Tiree have invited their parents into school for open afternoon. They have planned to get them involved in making top secret items for the Christmas Fair.

We are all looking forward to seeing what they have made.