Thank You

Many thanks to Napiershall Formula Ltd for the £50 donation to school funds.

Napiershall Formula Ltd were part of the group of visitors who toured the school last week  with the Hope foundation, Saudi Arabia.

NDCS Listening Bus

P9171253The listening bus is at Isobel Mair School.

The sensory support service have arranged for the Listening Bus to be at the school and accessed by all schools across the authority.

This will help raise awareness and bring  information  to deaf children & young people across East Renfrewshire.



International Visitors


Yesterday our Head Boy and one of the prefects welcomed international visitors from New Zealand and Australia to the school and Family Centre.
Our visitors were accompanied by colleagues from  Strathclyde University, working alongside Undergraduate and PostGraduate Early Years students.
They had a tour of the school and Family Centre to see CfE in action.

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Eco School

Eco Schools

This morning we are having a visit to the school and Family Centre from  Eco School Scotland  re our Green Flag application.

Our visitors will have a tour of the school, school grounds to see all the great work we have been doing in the school and Family Centre.

Some of the topics we have looked at include:-
* Litter
* Waste management – recycling paper & cartridges, composting
reducing paper.
* School grounds – outdoor learning, wildlife and developing garden

We will keep you updated.