Bugsy Malone


Stargaze Drama group are performing “Bugsy Malone” on Thursday evening, 18th June at Queen Margaret Union Theatre.

Please come and show your support to our pupils who have all been working so hard, practising their lines and singing the songs.  Now they can’t wait to perform the show infront of a live audience……….

Tickets are still on sale from school office or you can buy a ticket on the night, priced £3

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN

Global Visitors

Global Collaborations

On Friday 12th June we welcomed Dr Kate Hannah, HMIe,  Drs Michelle Meredith and Christina Addlington from the Jamaican Ministry of Education.

After some introductions with Mrs Clark, Mr Crossan and our Head Boy Michael,  our visitors had a tour of the school and visited some to classes to see CfE in action.

We are hoping this will be the start of a Global Collaboration project with some Jamaican schools.

Have a look at our photographs below.



Lochgoilhead 15

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Lochgoilhead 15 weekend.

We left the school in glorious sunshine and friendships began on the bus…….. and continued all weekend even in the rain.

We would like to thank everyone for supporting the weekend and making it such a success.

Our reunion will take place in September and a slideshow and DVD will be shown.

Have a look at our photographs below to highlight some of the amazing experiences the pupils had over the weekend.



Congratulations MBE


We are delighted to announce that our ex Head Teacher, Mrs Mari Wallace has been awarded an MBE in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours 2015 for her services to education.

We are all delighted to hear the wonderful news and look forward to hearing all about the ceremony.

Congratulations from all the staff, pupils and parents.


Sports Day

Fun in the sun……..

Thank you to all our parents, friends who came out and supported our wonderful, inclusive sports day.

We had parachute games, floating ball, balance the bean bag, races, relay races, and the finale……… parent and teacher races!

Have a look at some of our photographs below which highlights the fun and learning experiences for all of  all our pupils.

Sports Day

Fun in the Sun

The sun is shining for our Sports Day this afternoon!

The day starts of with our Parade of Nations at 1pm.

Remember your running shoes for the Parent & Teacher race………

Everbody welcome

The Parent Council will also draw the winning ticket for the amazing raffle prize.

Parent Flyer


Bugsy Malone

stargaze Bugsy

Our Stargaze Drama group which takes place on Tuesday’s after school have been working hard on their new performance “Bugsy Malone”.

The performance premiers on Thursday evening, 18th June at Queen Margaret Union Theatre.

Please come and support our pupils who attend our “Stargaze Drama” group. They have all been working so hard, practising their lines and singing the songs.  Now they can’t wait to perform the show infront of a live audience.

Tickets are still on sale or you can buy a ticket on the night.

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN

Tartan Scarf

Please read the attached letter from Mearns Castle High School’s Young Enterprise Scotland Team.

Mearns Castle High School’s Young Enterprise Scotland team Red Thistle, are proposing to design and produce a unique tartan scarf for Isobel Mair’s school uniform. Young Enterprise Scotland is a charitable organisation which allows pupils to develop their business skills though starting up and running their own company for a year.

Read more about Red Thistle


MCHS Red Thistle tartan
One of the suggested tartan designs


Jump in2 Dance

jump in2 dance logojump in2 dance

Dance classes specialising in dance for children and young adults with physical and learning disabilities.
– Help boost self esteem
– Enjoy the power of dance in a fun and safe environment

The dance classes take place every Friday and Sunday at the palace of Arts Bellahouston.
Click here for more details


Class information and enrolement contact:-
Susan on 07931290296
Email susan@jumpin2dance.com

Welcome to our Global Visitors


On Friday 12th June we are welcoming visitors from the Jamaican Ministry of Education, Drs Michele Meredith and Christina Addlington and Dr Kate Hannah from HMIe.

We are delighted that they will be visiting and touring the school, meeting our amazing pupils and staff.

Hopefully this will lead to possible Global Citizenship partnership in the future.

Sports Day

Please come along and support our Sports Day!

The day starts of with our Parade of Nations at 1pm.

Remember your running shoes for the Parent & Teacher race………

See flyer for more details.

Parent Flyer



Parent Council Raffle

Would you like to win a VIP Night out in Glasgow with dinner for 2 and overnight stay?

Our Parent Council have donated a fabulous overnight stay at the Exclusive Blythswood Apartments and dinner for 2 at the Fabulous Eatery “Red Onion” to raise money for school funds.

Raffle tickets are priced at £1 per ticket and and a covering letter has been sent home via the home/school diaries. Each pupil will recieve a strip containing ten tickets.
Extra tickets can be purchased from the school if you require more.
All tickets must be returned to school before Thursday 11th June at 9am.

The draw for this fabulous prize will be made on the afternoon of SPORTS DAY 11th June.

Good Luck everyone.

Thank You

Thank You

We were delighted to recieve 2 cheques today for £240 each.

This money was raised by Chloe Mason’s auntie and work colleauges at Farmfoods in Cumbernauld who decided to raise some money on International Autism Day, 2nd April.
Everyone was encouraged to wear something blue and donate £1 and the response was amazing.

They decided to donate the money to the school and the company matched the total raised by the staff, giving us £480 in total.

We are delighted with this very generous donation and will be used to support fun, learning experiences for the pupils.



Preparations are under way for the annual GROW COOK EAT Showcase………..

Senior students are busy in the kitchen preparing a 2 course lunch for parents and invited guests.

Students will be presented with a certificates for participating  in the year long skills for life programme and a slideshow will be shown highlighting their progress over the year.

Many thanks to all the staff at West Scotland College – Hospitality and Rouken Glen Training Centre for supporting our young people in this journey.

Well done everyone.

Parent Council Raffle

Would you like to win a VIP Night out in Glasgow with dinner for 2 and overnight stay?

Our Parent Council have donated a fabulous overnight stay at the Exclusive Blythswood Apartments and dinner for 2 at the Fabulous Eatery “Red Onion” to raise money for school funds.

Raffle tickets are priced at £1 per ticket and and a covering letter has been sent home via the home/school diaries. Each pupil will recieve a strip containing ten tickets.
Extra tickets can be purchased from the school if you require more.
All tickets must be returned to school before Thursday 11th June at 9am.

The draw for this fabulous prize will be made on the afternoon of SPORTS DAY 11th June.

Good Luck everyone.

SDS Athletics

Congratulations to all our young athletes who took part in the SDS Athlectics championships at Grangemouth yesterday.

We had a great day and the weather was in our favour, sun shining for most of the day…..

We celebrated with 31 medals from all the event , so a huge congratulations to all our pupils who took part.

Have a look at some of our photographs from yesterdays achievements.