School Prom

Thank  you to everyone who came to our school prom last night and helped make it such a success.

Many thanks to Reece ( the wee pied piper) for piping in all our students.
To Sean Adams for for taking over as DJ, great tunes…….
Many thanks to all our 6th year buddies who came and had a great time and made the night such a success for the pupils.

Thank you to all the staff who helped with all the preparations and came along to support the event.

Have a look at our photographs to see how much fun we all had.

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Farewell to our 6th Year Leavers

Thank You for the memories………

Thank you to everyone who came to our Leavers Service this morning at Newton Mearns Baptist Church as we celebrate achievements and look back at the memories.

We all send our good wishes to Michael, Euan and Fraser as they prepare to move onto their new placements.



Head Boy and Head Girl

The votes have been counted………..

Congratulations to new Head Boy, Alex O’Donnell and Head Girl, Sara Clegg for session 2015/16

Jamie Brownlie and Sophie Brough are our new school captains.

Jonathan Adams is a prefect with responsibility for Drama

Andrew Whitehill is a prefect and he will be our Woodfarm Liaison person.

Good Luck to everone in their new posts of responsibity.

School Prom

School Prom 2015

Our school prom for senior pupils will take place on Tuesday 23rd June at 7pm.

Photographs will be taken and we will have our very own photo booth throughout the evening so you can strike a pose.

Remember your dancing shoes……

Leavers’ Service

Time to say farewell………

Come join us tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd June for our end of term service to say farewell to 3 of our 6th year pupils, Euan Murphy, Fraser Marchand and our Head Boy Michael Di Paola.

We will be celebrating their achievements and memories of their time at school.

We wish them well with their new placements.

Everyone welcome

Tree Planting

Thank you to Edna Campbell, Councillors and other visitors for attending our tree planting event at the school.

We were unable to take the tree from our old school and members from the local community who planted the tree in 1991 wanted to help us plant another one.

This was arranged via Councillor Miller and Head of Environment.

Our Head Boy, Michael di Paola assited Edna in planting the new tree which is next to the tree planted by HRH Prince Edward.

Stargaze Drama

Bugsy Malone

What a great performance from all the children who attend Stargaze Drama group.

Last night they performed “Bugsy Malone” at Queen Margaret Union, Glasgow and what a show it was…………..

I’m sure everyone will agree it was a wonderful performance and it’s all down to the hardwork from the pupils, staff who volunteer every Tuesday after school and Maria Antelmi who directed and produced the show.

Well done everyone!


Stargaze Drama Group

Bugsy Malone

Last night our Stargaze Drama group had the full dress rehearsal for “Bugsy Malone”, it was AMAZING!

The costumes look amazing and the children are so excited to perform to a live audience.

Still a few tickets left to come see our wonderful children perform in “Bugsy Malone”

Tickets  on sale from school office or you can buy a ticket on the night, priced £3

Thurdsay 18th June at 7pm

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN