Tag Archives: woodland adventures

Woodland Adventures – Pattern

by Mrs Clark

Our woodland adventures are always full of exploration, and it is a great opportunity for our children to investigate patterns in both their local environment and in nature to develop their awareness.

“My wellies are making diamonds in the mud.”
“This slug has stripey lines on its back.”

Children’s ability to see patterns forms the basis of early mathematical thinking. Encouraging children to become aware of patterns helps them to build up the skill of spotting patterns for themselves.

“The leaves look the same on either side. They’ve got little lines.”

Children also learn to identify and talk about the shapes in patterns.

“I can see circles. They look all spotty.”
“There are lots of small squares.”
“There’s rectangle patterns where the car goes.”

Why not go on a pattern hunt and see what you can find?

Woodland Adventures

We are excited to be beginning our Woodland Adventures in Eastwood Park again soon!

We have made changes to how we will be running these this session to better accommodate the  varying patterns of attendance of our children. Each room will have a block of four weeks, with sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and also a Wednesday afternoon.

Our first visits this session will begin during the week beginning 13th September:

  • Block 1: Meadow Room
  • Block 2: Orchard Room (from w/b 18th October)
  • Block 3: Willow Room (from w/b 15th November)

Our Woodland Adventures Handbook will tell you all about them:

Woodland Adventures Handbook 

All children will need a completed permission form to participate, including children who were at Glenwood before the summer. Please return forms as soon as possible to enable your child to access Woodland Adventures fully.

Information on additional safety measures that have been put in place due to the current Covid19 situation can be found here:

COVID19 update 2021

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to answer them.

Road Safety with Ziggy

Today we took Ziggy with us on our Woodland Adventure and taught him all about staying safe on the road.

We hold hands with our partners to keep them safe.
We stop at the kerb and look and listen for cars.
Zebra crossings are a safe place to cross.
We stay away from the edge of the pavement when we are walking.
We showed Ziggy our new nursery.
Ziggy even climbed a tree!

The children are all very good at keeping safe when we walk to the woods and could tell Ziggy all about what he should do.