Our Learning Journey

We plan responsively based on the children’s interests, ideas and needs. This is part of our ongoing cycle of observation, responding and evaluating, with experiences developing and evolving all the time.

Every three weeks, we have an intentional plan which provides a possible focus for the learning experiences that the children may choose from.  Our Learning Journeys below include some informal and fun ideas to support your child at home and to reinforce what they are learning in nursery.

Session 2024-25:

  1. Our Learning Journey 19.08.24
  2. Our Learning Journey 09.09.24
  3. Our Learning Journey 01.10.24
  4. Our Learning Journey 21.10.24
  5. Our Learning Journey 11.11.24
  6. Our Learning Journey 02.12.24
  7. Our Learning Journey 06.01.25
  8. Our Learning Journey 27.01.25
  9. Our Learning Journey 17.02.25
  10. Our Learning Journey 10.03.25


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