At Glenwood, we have the exciting opportunity to work alongside Save the Children with the project they have created called ‘Children’s Places’. Through this project we will work with the children to look at their community using the wellbeing indicators from ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ – GIRFEC.

We have prepared a learning at home bag for every child to introduce you and your family to the Wellbeing Buddies, alongside some ideas that will help your child understand what each of the indicators mean for them. There is also a diary for you to record your experiences together.
Here are our 8 Wellbeing Buddies…

Don’t forget to come to Glenwood to collect your learning at home bag.
Please remember to share your learning on Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome
Benjamin loved seeing the nursery buddies his favourite is Healthy Henry.
Thanks Benjamin. We love him too and he looks right at home in the snack area of our new nursery!