Transition Visits to Glenwood

This week we have been excited to welcome our pre-school children back to Glenwood for the first of their transition visits.

It was a bit strange at first but the children soon got over their nerves and were soon joining in with all the different activities. It was hard remembering that we couldn’t be too close together but everyone did very well.

Here are some pictures of the experiences we took part in…

The Beebots went on a Bear Hunt


Building houses for bears


Inventing our own bear maths games

Playing on the computers

Drawing pictures and reading books


Listening to the story of Whiffy Wilson The wolf who didn’t want to go to school

And everyone decorated a triangle to make our own bunting


Next week we will hear all about your adventures when you visited your new schools and also have a small celebration together to say ‘Goodbye’.

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