Tag: Parents

Parent Curriculum Workshop

Dear Parent / Carer

We previously shared information and the date for this event which we very much hope that you will be able to attend. Following our November 2017 Parental Survey, we have tailored some of the sessions to meet areas of interest that you highlighted and so we hope that you will find the information very useful.

There will be seven sessions available to you, with the opportunity for each parent/carer to attend one of these sessions at each of the three separate timescales (17:30 Session / 17:50 Session / 18:10 Session)

Homework – Maths


Using a Growth Mindset

Curriculum and Learning Pathways


Technologies and Digital Learning

Talking & Listening

Each session will run for 15 minutes and will focus upon sharing information about how your children learn, and about how you can support that learning.

To organise the evening, we are using the same electronic booking system as we have done for our Parents’ Evenings. Please visit http://giffnock.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your session. As you are already aware only the main carer can log onto the system but they will be able to book a maximum of 2 sessions per timescale if both parents/carers would like to attend the same or different sessions. Please login with the following information:

Student’s First Name

Student’s Surname

Date of Birth

If you require assistance with booking your sessions please contact the school office. I look forward to seeing you at this event.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Lawson Head Teacher

Mental Health Awareness

This year again we will celebrate and raise the profile of the importance of Mental Health Awareness.

We will be using a variety of activities and workshops during the week from 14th till 20th May 2018 to discuss this area with our children.

Should you wish to see some of the information we wil be sharing please visit: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week/resources

For those who wish to support and  wear a green ribbon during the week, these can be purchased via: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/green-ribbon-pin-badges

Assembly Dates

Giffnock Primary School – Assembly Date

Dear Parent/ Carer,

During the school year each class will present their own assembly. Your child’s class will send you an invitation in advance to attend; please reply to this so that we know for seating arrangements.


Parents/ carers with pushchairs can access the school via the front ramp entrance and pushchairs can then be ‘parked’ in the Brown hall (for Health & Safety reasons please do not leave buggies in the corridors).

Secured entry system:

As the safety of our pupils is a priority at all times and following Health & Safety guidelines, can parents/ carers please remember not to ‘buzz’ other parents into the school building as everyone should gain entry via the main office door. Thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you to share in the children’s learning!

Assembly starts at school at 9.50 am and finishes at approximately 10.20am. Dates Classes who are presenting at assembly
20.4.18 Mrs Downie & Primary 5b
4.5.18 Mr Hendry& Primary 2b
11.5.18 Mrs Sibille/ Mrs Brown & Primary 1a
18.5.18 Nursery afternoon class at 2.15 pm with

Mrs Bradley

1.6.18 Mrs Hall /Miss Stead & Primary 1b
End of term Summer Service Wednesday 27th June 2018 Summer Service at 11 am

Hosted by Primary 7s

All welcome.

Church Service Thursday 29th March

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all to join us at Orchardhill Parish Church to celebrate with the children and staff at our Church Service on Thursday 29th March 2018 at 1.30pm.  If your child normally has a home lunch it would be appreciated if they could remain in school on Thursday or be returned by 1.00pm at the very latest as the children will be leaving early to walk to the church. All pupils will return to school after the service to be dismissed.

Please note that the primary school will finish early at 2.30pm on Thursday 29th March 2018 and the afternoon nursery class will finish at 4.00pm.  There will be no PM wrap sessions that day.

The primary school and nursery will resume as normal on Monday 16th April 2018.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy holiday.


Autism Awareness Week

The Primary 7 Support Buddies have been practising their presentation for Autism Awareness week which runs from Monday 26th March. They will be sharing their knowledge of what autism is and some top tips on how we can all support people who are autistic. Please check back here and on Twitter next week for links on further information about autism.


Music Tuition

We would like to share the opportunities our children have to learn an instrument at Giffnock Primary and within East Renfrewshire Council.

If you child is currently in Primary 3 or Primary 5, you will have received a letter about the instrumental tuition available at Giffnock Primary.

Primary 3 – violin or viola starting August 2018 when your child starts Primary 4.

Primary 5 – brass, woodwind or guitar starting August 2018 when your child starts Primary 6.

Within the next few weeks, our instrumental instructors will visit the classes to tell the children about the instruments available to them.

If your child is interested, please return the letter by Thursday 29th March 2018. After the Spring holidays, the various instrumental instructors will collate the returns and they will meet with the interested children for a short assessment.

The number of children being offered lessons in school is determined by the music service and not the school.

Priority is given to the above classes, however if the uptake is low there may be an opportunity to open it up to other classes. Again, this is at the discretion of the music service.

An alternative to lessons in school is the wonderful Saturday music school held at Williamwood Secondary School. They are currently advertising the Come and Try sessions in April for Primary 4 and Primary 6 pupils.

All details of application forms, Come and Try dates and the Parental Information Leaflet, detailing cost can be found on our school website through the following link:


We hope this information is helpful for those interested in learning a musical instrument.

Yours sincerely,

Judy Brown

Principal Teacher


Bob A Job Fundraiser

As you know, the Parent Council Fundraising Committee are holding separate events to raise money for playground repairs. For this event, we thought you might like a little help around the house/garden and your child/children are invited to take part in our bob-a-job event. Examples of ways they can help are by washing dishes, making the beds, washing your car, tidying their room, setting the table, helping in the garden, hoovering or anything else you think they could do. So, sit back, relax and please pay generously!

For further information and a pre-printed form, please this attached letter:

Bob A Job Parent Council Fundraiser March 18

Giffnock Primary Parent Council.


We are looking for volunteers to participate in Bikeability training with Cycle Scotland.

Bikeability is a programme that prepares pupils for cycling safely both on and off the road. Bikeability has been successfully implemented in Giffnock Primary school for a number of years now and this is all thanks to the support that we have received from our fantastic parent volunteers. Unfortunately, without that support we would not be able to continue implementing Bikeability in our upper school classes.

We would be incredibly grateful for any volunteers and if you would be interested in participating in Bikeability Training please contact the school to find out about dates and times.

online appointments for parents evening

Thank you to those of you who have already booked a parent appointment via the online Parents Evening Booking System – https://giffnock.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/

For those of you who have not yet booked an appointment can we please remind you that the booking system will close at midnight on Sunday 11th March and appointment times are filling up quickly.

Instructions on using the system have already been issued to you but if you are experiencing any difficulty with making your appointment could you please contact the school office for assistance.


Book Fair at Giffnock Primary

Dear parent/carer

Our Annual Book Fair will take place here in the school from Wednesday this week. The Book Fair is always lots of fun for the children, parents and teachers. It also provides another opportunity to encourage children to use and enjoy books, both fiction and non-fiction.

Children will be given a leaflet today – for further information please click on the link below:

Book Fair Letter March 2018

Kitchen Refurbishment March – April 2018

Dear Parent / Carer

I am pleased to inform you that our kitchen will be undergoing a significant refurbishment, beginning later this month. The work itself should not overly impact upon the learning environment and we will still be able to use the Blue Gym Hall for PE times and lunches.

However, whilst the kitchen is being refurbished, the kitchen staff have advised me that it will be necessary to offer a reduced menu as follows:

  • Soup
  • Sandwiches – a choice of cheese, ham and tuna will be available

The changed menu will begin on Wednesday 14th March and is likely to go on until Friday April 20th 2018.

I hope that this clarifies the matter for you,

Yours sincerely,

Rob Lawson Head Teacher



Dear Parent/Carer,

Every year we successfully train pupils in Primary 6 and Primary 7 in the Bikeability programme. This involves teaching children the necessary bike skills to become confident independent users who can also access roads safely.


In order to run Bikeability we require your support to undertake some training to then be able to help us deliver the programme, especially as some of the training involves on the road practise!

If you have a few spare hours free and would be able to offer us some support please contact Keith.Fergus@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

Courses are run on the following dates, times and venues:-

Wednesday 14th March 2018 at Netherlee primary School from 9 am – 3pm

Thursday 15th March 2018 at Carolside Primary from 9 am – 3pm

Tuesday 27th March 2018 at Braidbar Primary from 9 am – 3pm.

Many thanks,

Kirsty Rawley

Depute Headteacher

Giffnock Primary





Fairtrade Fortnight

This year Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 26th February to the 11th March 2018 and we are going to put Fairtrade in our snack.  This might include Fairtrade bananas, grapes, chocolate, cereal bars or juice!  You can easily find the Fairtrade logo on items at the supermarket, so don’t be afraid to get your children involved in the Fairtrade logo hunt.

Thanks for your participation,

The Eco Committee

Here is a link to a short video which highlights the importance of Fairtrade in an accessible and fun way.



Dyslexia Scotland meeting

Dyslexia Scotland
Glasgow East Ren Branch

Parents, Pupils and Teachers are welcome to our OPEN MEETING on Wednesday 21st February 2018

Supporting dyslexia within Higher Education

By Claire Rattray from University of Glasgow

7.15pm-8.15pm at Mearns Castle High School, Newton Mearns, G77 5GU


Dyslexia Scotland 01786 446650


Helpline phone number: 0344 800 84 84


Dyslexia Scotland is a company registered by guarantee.

Registered in Scotland No 153321 Charity No SC 000951