Tag: Parents

Change of lunch menu 6 June

The school kitchen have asked us to inform you that a Summer BBQ themed menu will replace the original menu on Wednesday, 6th June – details are below.



Crudities with Dip


Chicken Kebabs

Tortilla Wrap

Homemade Crunchy Slaw

Falafel and Spinach Burger

Potato Wedges

Roast Vegetables

Turkey Burgers

Toasted Burger Bun

Served with summer salad


Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream

(Filling station available as normal for all P1 – 7s)



We would advise you that we do not usually send texts to parents/carers unless we need to convey urgent information.

As you are aware we issued the text below on Monday 21st May.

“New Data Protection law means we need to check your wishes for your child taking home confidential information.  If you are happy to continue reply 1 if you are not happy reply 2.  Please only use numerical 1 or 2 in your reply, no other characters.  Thank you”

Thank you to those of you who have already replied – and please do not reply again as your response has already been noted and the information entered into our reporting system.

To those of you who did not have the opportunity to reply, could we please ask that you do so as soon as possible.  You had already completed paperwork before GDPR to consent to your child bringing home confidential information but if we do not receive your response it will mean that we are now unable to send home items such as end of year reports and the annual data information which we issue in August.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.



parent curriculum workshops

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our Parent Curriculum Workshops on Wednesday this week. Our feedback has been very positive and we hope that you found the information useful.

At one of the workshops on Wednesday, we shared a link to a survey. We would like to include all of our families and school community in considering priorities for our curriculum, so that we can consider these in our improvement planning. Through the link, we would very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to share your views about what you feel should be considered as key focuses for our children’s learning. Thank you in advance:



Spotlight on Science Event

Invitation to University of the West of Scotland Spotlight on Science @ UWS Event – 7 June 4-7pm, UWS Paisley Campus (part of Glasgow Science Festival 2018)

On 7 June the School of Science and Sport at the University of the West of Scotland will open its doors to the public to showcase the vast range of its STEM research activities through interactive workshops and short talks led by research students and staff.   There will also be an opportunity to meet a NASA astronaut.

Full details are in the attached letter:

GSF 2018 web flyer



P1 Induction


We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend our Primary 1 Induction programme.

Starting school is an exciting time for our youngsters, but it can be quite daunting for the adults! The Induction programme is designed to ensure that we share life at Giffnock Primary School and answer any questions you may have about the school and your child’s learning. It is also an important part of the starting school process for your child, as they can come along and visit the school and meet their teacher.

This year our Induction programme will consist of four meetings. Full details are in the attached letter:

P1 Induction Letter 2018


Back to School Charity

Please find attached a copy of a flyer which promotes the work of an organisation providing school uniforms to families experiencing poverty.  The aim of this charity is that “every child should experience  the same pride, self respect and dignity as their peers”.  They already work with several schools, and their work aligns with the aims of the Cost of the School Day campaign which all schools and centres have engaged with this year.

Back to School


RSNO Junior Chorus P3

At Giffnock, we are pleased to have arranged a new musical opportunity for our P3 children. The Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) runs a range of musical experiences, including very well established national choirs. A small number of schools are invited to run short musical workshops from which the RSNO recruits its Junior Chorus each springtime. The workshops consist of singing games and we are pleased to be part of these this year. For our P3, this has been arranged for the afternoon of Thursday 10th May.

Full details are in the two attached letters:

RSNO Junior Chorus Parent Letter 2018

RSNO Junior chorus recruitment information

East Renfrewshire Cricket Club

All Stars Cricket provides boys and girls from 5-8 years old with 8 weeks of non-stop fun. The activity and game based programme is suitable for all skill levels, providing your child with the foundations to begin a lifelong love of physical activity and cricket, while making friends in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Programme features:

•             For all boys and girls aged five to eight

•             Delivered nationwide at over 2,000 centres

•             Eight one-hour sessions, held over eight weeks

•             Emphasis on fun and being active

•             Focus on developing your child’s movement skills

•             Great first introduction to cricket

•             Safe and fully accredited

•             Valuable time with your kids – mums and dads are encouraged to take part too

•             Easy online registration

Sign up now using the link below;


Every child that registers will receive a backpack full of goodies including a cricket bat, ball, activity book, personalised shirt and cap all sent straight to your door, if you are returning in 2018.

Sessions start from May in 2018, so register early to ensure that you book your place for a Summer of Big Moments.

If you have any questions please contact us on juniors@eastrencricketclub.com or phone 07837129845.


P1 to P3 fruit juice


Dear Parent/ Carer

As you may have noticed on the recent menus that have been shared with you, either milk or water are now available as part of lunches. Our catering colleagues have asked us to share with you that they will now only be providing milk and water (as is the case across East Renfrewshire) and not fruit juices in addition.


Bob a Job event

We are delighted to announce that we have raised a grand total of £892.60 during our recent Bob-a-Job event.  We would like to thank all pupils for working so hard and parents for paying very generously. Between this and the money donated at our Crazy Hair/Hat Day the great news is that we have now raised enough to pay for the playground repairs. Once again, thank you for your continued support.


Giffnock Primary School Parent Council


Giffnock Primary Community Cafe

A reminder that we are opening our first ‘Community Café’ at Giffnock Primary School on Friday May 11th 3-4pm, run by pupils from P6 and P7.  The event will be an informal opportunity to share ideas, learning and company with other families at the school, with pupils taking on a variety of leadership roles. We hope that a range of children and adults will be able to spend a little time together at the end of the school day. There will be no need to ‘sign up’ for these events but rather just come in for as long as suits you. In time, we hope that these Community Café events will become an important part of our school community.

In preparation for this event in sharing optional refreshments that will be available (at very reasonable costs!), and in the spirit of being environmentally friendly, we are looking for donations of any unwanted cups/ mugs and plates that you might have which are taking up space at home.  If you can help the school with this, please give whatever you are able to donate to your child to bring into school.  Any items will then be collected in by your child’s Class Teacher. Thank you in advance for your generosity.