Representatives from our Parental Equalities Group recently met to look at how Equity underpins all that we do and how we can ensure an equality of access for all of our families.
Our minutes show some of our discussions and issues raised.
Parental Equality Group
Giffnock Equalities Group meeting January 2022
At Giffnock we value all our families and cultures that make up our community.
Recently we met to look at ways of celebrating a family Eid.
Our popular Uniform Stall will be held on the following dates:-
Friday 21 April from 2.45 – 3.45 in the brown hall or outside if weather permitting.
Friday 2 June from 2.45 – 3.45 in the brown hall or outside if weather permitting.
Thursday 8 June from 9.15 in the Blue hall or outside if weather permitting.
If you have any good quality uniform items you wish to donate then please drop off any time at school from 24th April till 28 April.
Family Lending Library at Giffnock Book List
Products are available throughout the building.
Child Poverty Action Group – Training Courses 2022
Child Poverty Action Group – Training Courses
Some financial links which you may find interesting or of help:-
New Disability Living Allowance comes in this month to replace the old system. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is a tax-free benefit for people with disabilities who need help with mobility or care costs. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced DLA for people between 16 and State Pension age.
Family First support worker is called Julie Douglas you can contact her at or phone Julie at 07393752547 if you would like to find out more about ways families can get help. Further information on Family First can be found in the attached leaflet
Our Parent Equalities Group have worked hard over the previous sessions to raise awareness on a number of issues :-
- Family Financial Support
- Uniform Recycling and support
- Out of school support
- Awareness raising of costs for families during the school day e.g trips and having enough notice and funding available.
- Cost of the School Day questionnaire
- Representing the school at Authority level to share our work
- Meeting with representatives from Child Poverty Action Group to find out more about national agenda and local issues
We recently met to look at how Equity underpins all that we do and ensuring that our children and families have and have recorded our minutes to show actions and issues discussed.
The Cost of School Day Toolkit
Food Larder Information April 2023