Dear Parent / Carer

As most of you already know the preschool children take part in regular forest visits to a local woodland area which up until now has been Eastwood Park.  This year staff have carried out a risk assessment and explored Huntly Park with a view to changing our venue.  The walk will be shorter but the area still provides an interesting and stimulating environment for us to explore.  Because of our generous staffing levels, and due to the current restrictions on contact with parents and carers, we will not require parent helpers. Obviously we will tweet about our adventures so you can see what we are up to.  Waterproofs and wellies will be provided but you are also free to supply your own if preferred.

Your child will go in a small group on a fortnightly basis on a Tuesday or Thursday morning.  We have looked at the different attendance patterns to ensure every child has the opportunity to take part.

Looking forward to our first visit being Tuesday 8th  September.