Category Archives: Literacy

Week beginning 15th May

What a week we have had! Finally the event we have all been working towards arrived. We all had a blast at our Virgin Money Make £5 grow day. Here are some photos of our stalls and of our keen customers! Then some photos of us counting our money! We made over £800 in our class alone – a committee will be created of all the P7 winners who will decide on how the money should be spent to enhance our prom and end of year experience.

Week beginning 30th January

A huge thank you to @G41bar for welcoming us on Tuesday morning. We learned so much about running a restaurant and bar and being a chef. We are so grateful to you for you giving your time and sharing your expertise with us. The food you made for us was delicious, we loved seeing a real chef in action in the kitchen, especially creating the fire! And we were all really impressed with the mocktail Jamie, the director, made for us too.

After such a fabulous day on Tuesday the rest of the week seemed a little “normal” ! but we all enjoyed learning about persuasive writing techniques and then sharing our findings with the class. It’s amazing what interesting information you can find and how great we are at creating presentations under pressure!


Week beginning 23rd January

This week we have been continuing to learn more about fractions decimals and percentages and have been creating games to help each other understand new concepts more deeply.

On Wednesday we attended a Holocaust exhibition run by ‘Gathering the Voices’ at Calderwood Lodge. It was a very serious and somber visit as we heard from some children of Holocaust survivors tell their parents’ stories. We learned of some of the horrors they went through and showed great respect throughout our trip.

In the afternoon we joined a National Assembly to celebrate Robert Burns run by education Scotland. We heard pupils from across Scotland recite poems and also heard from a teacher from Banff Academy who recited To a Mouse.

In school we had a Burns Celebration where we heard from children across the school who were judged by professional judges who visited us for the day.


we rounded off the week by learning a bit more about drawing and shading. Some of our final products were incredible.

Week beginning 9th January

Welcome back everyone after a fabulous break over the Christmas period. We have been very busy since our return getting back into the school routine and welcoming Miss Taylor back too.

Some of our learning this week included using some materials from Tree of Knowledge. We listened and watched a video and had some fun playing a game to help us explore different types of advice we might receive from different people.

Back into our class novel Holes after a break before the holiday to focus on Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, we analysed questions to develop our reading skills then used what we had read to create a newspaper report based on an event in the book.

We looked at some artists work and discussed abstract art and realism. After that we created our own pictures taking inspiration from the artist Ed Mall.


Week beginning 28th November

This week has included lots of fun and lots of learning. As usual we worked together with 7.27 to improve our badminton skills playing a variety of fun games to improve our hand eye co ordination as well as our racket skills.

On Thursday we enjoyed an online Google assembly all about internet safety.

Our Dutch Delights gastronomy group had a very successful session in the kitchen enjoying creating our own planned recipes to produce a marvellous six course tasting menu.

And of course Wednesday was St Andrew’s day. Those of us who enjoy a school lunch were treated to a great Scottish style meal by the dinner ladies and in class we spent time researching and creating posters at about this special day in Scotland.


We really enjoyed analysing poetry this week, beginning to understand how complex poetry is and just how important imagery is. We also created some of our own poems.




Week beginning 14th November

We were lucky this week to enjoy a marvellous treat when. We visited the cinema as part of the Intu Film Festival. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who accompanied us and helped look after us. Without you we wouldn’t have been able to go on this trip.

in the kitchen this week the other half of the class had their first session learning how to separate eggs and finely chop herbs. It was a huge success with no wasted eggs and some delicious food for us all to enjoy together at the end!

Week beginning 7th November

This week all of our parents were involved in Parents’ Nights where they discussed our learning and development with Mrs Kelly. Many thanks to everyone for attending and engaging in this important time for your children.

In class we enjoyed listening to some fabulous solo talks based on our future careers.  It was amazing to hear all about all the different careers each of us are interested in. It was also impressive to hear how flexible everyone is too, who knows where our futures lie….

Our first group session took place in the kitchen this week and it was a huge success. We learned how to safely and finely chop herbs and how to separate and egg. The result of our hard work was a very tasty dish of crispy cauliflower with a garlic and herb dip. We did have a little bit of a failure with our home made mayonnaise, but fortunately the school kitchen had a wee bowl of mayonnaise spare, so it all worked out in the end!

Week beginning 31st October

We learned about how to answer inferential questions this week and also had a go at creating our own. Working collaboratively on this was a huge success and we all enjoyed our reading sessions this week as we continued to develop our reading skills. We also enjoyed creating some art work based on our class novel ‘Holes’. After choosing our preferred media, We had to read carefully and ensure we included every element of the lizards as described in the book.

Last week was Diwali, the festival of light which is celebrated by many of our families in our school community. We were very fortunate to receive a gift of a diva each from some of these families. Here you can see we decorated them in class.


Week beginning 24th October

Despite it being a four day week after the October holiday, we managed to pack a lot in!

Here are some of the activities and learning we’ve been involved in this week:

M&M theatre company presented us with Sleeping Beauty. Thanks to the PTA for funding this.

Our Spark Park fundraising sports event was great fun, we completed all the challenges and were lucky enough to have lots of pupil volunteers from Mearns Castle who helped it all run really smoothly.

Miss Hunter was invited to visit our class on Wednesday as we wanted her to see how well we were working in teams to improve our reading skills as we played ‘Reading Race’ in the classroom. She was really impressed and said we should definitely try to share our method with others to help them improve their skills in reading carefully and answering questions in a more in depth way.

Our Mearns Masters Showcase took place on Thursday. We invited the Primary five classes to our computer arcade and they played the three level games we created in our coding masterclasses. Everyone had a great time and the P5s were really impressed with our games.

Friday saw us outside on a rather chilly and wet morning to play some more of the games we created ourselves a few weeks ago. Everyone enjoyed their chance to teach and learn new games. We also took part in some peer assessment and worked really well on offering suggestions for improvements on each of the games.