Category Archives: Art

Week beginning 23rd January

This week we have been continuing to learn more about fractions decimals and percentages and have been creating games to help each other understand new concepts more deeply.

On Wednesday we attended a Holocaust exhibition run by ‘Gathering the Voices’ at Calderwood Lodge. It was a very serious and somber visit as we heard from some children of Holocaust survivors tell their parents’ stories. We learned of some of the horrors they went through and showed great respect throughout our trip.

In the afternoon we joined a National Assembly to celebrate Robert Burns run by education Scotland. We heard pupils from across Scotland recite poems and also heard from a teacher from Banff Academy who recited To a Mouse.

In school we had a Burns Celebration where we heard from children across the school who were judged by professional judges who visited us for the day.


we rounded off the week by learning a bit more about drawing and shading. Some of our final products were incredible.