Category Archives: BGE

Week beginning 5th June

A P3-7 trip to Kelburn Country Park was enjoyed by all on Monday. Here are some photos to prove it. Look at all those sunny smiles. 😁🌞😁

We’ve been doing lots of show rehearsals this week too to prepare us for the big day next Tuesday.

We had our first Dragons Den social enterprise event on Friday and one of the entrants was from our class! What an experience pitching his idea and answering questions from the dragons….two of whom were also from our class!

Week beginning 15th May

What a week we have had! Finally the event we have all been working towards arrived. We all had a blast at our Virgin Money Make £5 grow day. Here are some photos of our stalls and of our keen customers! Then some photos of us counting our money! We made over £800 in our class alone – a committee will be created of all the P7 winners who will decide on how the money should be spent to enhance our prom and end of year experience.

Week beginning 8th May

Sports day. We were very fortunate with the weather and enjoyed some games and races with no rain! Unfortunately the iPad ran out of battery before the end of the races, so we only have photos of the games. And a few at the start of the races. We were lucky to have many former pupils who are now at Mearns Castle come and help run the games and give out stickers for the races, although Mrs Kelly said it made her feel old seeing them so grown up!

We visited 7.26 to see their coding showcase on Friday afternoon and enjoyed the entertainment, glow sticks and sweets. 😊

Week beginning 17th April

It was great to see each other again after such a fun Spring break.

We had a busy first week back with two assemblies all about improving behaviour and religion. There wasn’t quite enough time to hand out certificates, so we received them in class and as you can see we are very proud and happy.

This week was also the digi inventors event and some of the Scottish runners up were from our class. They attended the evening event with their families. What a fabulous achievement girls!






here are some some photos of our week,

Week beginning 27th March

Having finished reading our class novel ‘holes’ we are now listening to a follow up novel written by the same authors. It’s called small steps and follows the life of one of the characters “Armpit”, after he leaves Camp Green Lake. We are enjoying listening to it and getting to know a few more characters too.

our main focus this week has been on our Make £5 Grow topic. We’ve learned all about enterprise and teamwork and have begun to make plans for our group projects to see who can make £5 grow the most.


We welcomed the pastoral team this week to our Easter Assembly. The assembly was led expertly by our head boy and girl. And we had two special volunteer actors from our class involved in the short drama telling part of the Easter story. The message of hope was the main message the pastoral team, actors and singers shared with us.

Week beginning 13th March

Here is a breakdown of our amazing STEM week experiences


Kicking off our STEM week we were visited by the charity SmartSTEMS . We heard a presentation and took part in a Q and A session with James McCullagh, who works for the company Seric. After this we participated in a fantastic engineering challenge across the whole of the P7 stage.

This afternoon we were fortunate to welcome teachers from Eastwood High who talked to us about engineering and gave us instructions on how to create our very own Seismometers. This gave us an opportunity to work in teams and to practise some technology skills.


Today we spent much of the day working on our shelter designs. We are looking at the whole design process and beginning to understand how it work in real life. Basically every design challenge involves creating something for someone for some purpose.


FemEng members and biomendical engineering university students Hannah  and Olivia visited and treated us to an incredibly interesting presentation. They then showed us how to make a simple bionic hand using every day craft materials. They gave us instructions and we worked in pairs to create our own bionic hand.

STEM leaders from Mearns Castle visited us and gave us a design challenge to create a basket to safely store an egg to travel down a zip slide. There was a great buzz in our classrooms as we worked in groups to design and create the fastest device to match the challenge.

Continuing with the engineering theme we spent some time this afternoon designing and creating in response to given challenges using Kapla block. What a versatile and dynamic resource!



Today we learned about microorganisms and how they have both negative and beneficial effects on our bodies. We created a poster to show the benefits like creating tasty food and drink and to aid the digestive system.


Today we were fortunate to have Sarah Jardine, CEO of epipole , visit and present to us. She was inspiring and engaging and we all learned a lot listening to her. She set us a challenge to work in teams to design a solution to a problem we were passionate about solving. We worked together with 7.26 and some of us presented our plans – Sarah was really impressed with our inventive solutions and abilities as well as our work ethic, manners and enthusiasm!


Week beginning 27th February

Despite being a short school week we have packed lots in!

On Monday we spent time outdoors learning, exploring and challenging ourselves on our knowledge of angles.

On Thursday we enjoyed some world book day activities creating a word picture of our favourite authors, sharing summaries of our favourite books, writing reviews and making bookmarks to name but a few.

Friday saw our first bikeability session for this year. We made sure our bikes and clothing were safe before taking part in four fun activities to help us learn important skills before completing our level 2 on road bikeability training over the next few weeks.

We also took part in a quick design challenge where we created a random brief then worked in groups to come up with a suggested design solution….all in half an hour! The buzz and creativity racing through the class was phenomenal!


Week beginning 30th January

A huge thank you to @G41bar for welcoming us on Tuesday morning. We learned so much about running a restaurant and bar and being a chef. We are so grateful to you for you giving your time and sharing your expertise with us. The food you made for us was delicious, we loved seeing a real chef in action in the kitchen, especially creating the fire! And we were all really impressed with the mocktail Jamie, the director, made for us too.

After such a fabulous day on Tuesday the rest of the week seemed a little “normal” ! but we all enjoyed learning about persuasive writing techniques and then sharing our findings with the class. It’s amazing what interesting information you can find and how great we are at creating presentations under pressure!


Week beginning 23rd January

This week we have been continuing to learn more about fractions decimals and percentages and have been creating games to help each other understand new concepts more deeply.

On Wednesday we attended a Holocaust exhibition run by ‘Gathering the Voices’ at Calderwood Lodge. It was a very serious and somber visit as we heard from some children of Holocaust survivors tell their parents’ stories. We learned of some of the horrors they went through and showed great respect throughout our trip.

In the afternoon we joined a National Assembly to celebrate Robert Burns run by education Scotland. We heard pupils from across Scotland recite poems and also heard from a teacher from Banff Academy who recited To a Mouse.

In school we had a Burns Celebration where we heard from children across the school who were judged by professional judges who visited us for the day.


we rounded off the week by learning a bit more about drawing and shading. Some of our final products were incredible.