Week beginning 15th May

What a week we have had! Finally the event we have all been working towards arrived. We all had a blast at our Virgin Money Make £5 grow day. Here are some photos of our stalls and of our keen customers! Then some photos of us counting our money! We made over £800 in our class alone – a committee will be created of all the P7 winners who will decide on how the money should be spent to enhance our prom and end of year experience.

Week beginning 8th May

Sports day. We were very fortunate with the weather and enjoyed some games and races with no rain! Unfortunately the iPad ran out of battery before the end of the races, so we only have photos of the games. And a few at the start of the races. We were lucky to have many former pupils who are now at Mearns Castle come and help run the games and give out stickers for the races, although Mrs Kelly said it made her feel old seeing them so grown up!

We visited 7.26 to see their coding showcase on Friday afternoon and enjoyed the entertainment, glow sticks and sweets. 😊