We have been learning about Fairtrade this week. We had a Fairtrade assembly by the Snowdrops. We were confident individuals in making our own special Fairtrade delight for the Fairtrade Bake Off yesterday. We made cake pops with ‘rice krispies’ and made them look like sunflowers. The boys were fabulous at this. They waited their turn and listened to instructions. We even made extra so the we all could take one home.
AND WE WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was our whole school Fairtrade day. We went to the hall and played fairtrade corners and pass the banana. We were also very lucky and had a fairtrade hunt. We had a huge surprise at the end when we met a monkey in our school sensory room. He danced with us. We had great fun.