Month: March 2021

Purple Friday@ RBA!

The newly formed Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) at RBA came together as we wanted to ensure our new school provided an inclusive and welcoming ethos for all people no matter their gender or sexuality. Robert Burns Academy is committed to ensuring every student feels included and respected. The group consists of pupils of all year groups and a number of staff and we aimed to provide pupils with lots of opportunities to promote LGBTQ+ equality in the Campus. For our first task, we wanted to let our whole school community know why we have set this up and why it’s important to promote equality across the Campus. We decided to set our first task around Purple Friday, which takes place on the last Friday of LGBT History month – a month to celebrate the LGBT community and to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion, equality and acceptance. The GSA have planned several events and tasks which will take place over the next few months. If you would like any more information about the GSA, get in touch with Miss Ross –

Remote Learning and Senior Phase Practical Lessons w/b 1st March

The attachments below have this week’s remote learning topics.

BGE Online 1st March

SP Online 1st March


SLC 1st March S1

SLC 1st March S2

SLC 1st March S3

SLC 1st March S4

SLC 1st March S5&6

Practical Lessons

The timetable for week 2 of senior phase practical lessons is attached below. Please remember that attendance during these times is vital in completing work towards National Qualifications. School transport will run as normal for those who usually make use of it.

Practical Lessons Timetable March 1st – 5th March