
At Robert Burns Academy we are committed to promote positive mental health and wellbeing to everyone within our learning community. We aim to create an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging and where everyone can reach their full potential by driving forward our values of achievement, equity and respect.

We want everyone to take on the message, ‘it’s okay not to be okay’. If you find yourself or someone you know that may be finding things challenging make sure you/they have people to speak to, a friend, family member, a trusted adult. If you become concerned about your own mental health and wellbeing please make sure you contact your GP.

What is ‘Mental Health’?

The best way to describe this has been put together by the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/getting-started/secondary/

“Your mental health affects how you feel, think and act. It refers to your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. Your mental health can change and fluctuate on a daily basis and over time, and be affected by a range of factors.” (Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, 2021)

We hope that you find this blog supportive and informative. We want to break down barriers of feeling judged and isolated when it comes to our mental health and wellbeing. This will help to ensure our school community is one that promotes openness and trust in a safe and empathetic environment.

Want to know more? Use the tabs above to learn more about what we are doing here at RBA!

From all of us here at RBA:

“May you be you happy,

May you be well,

May you  be safe,

May you be peaceful and at ease…”