We are very fortunate here at RBA to have a partnership with The Exchange Counselling Serivce. Please read the following leaflet that will tell you all about what the service can offer your child .

The-Exchange is now providing counselling and emotional and psychological support in all secondary schools in East Ayrshire.   The service provides a private space where children and young people can talk about things which are troubling them. Talking things over with a professional can help children to find better ways to cope with difficulties. Young people will generally be referred to the counselling service either by their guidance teacher or have the option to refer themselves.   Guidance staff will always talk to the young person about this before making a referral and will encourage them to involve their parents too. Involvement of parents/carers is always encouraged as part of the process. 

East Ayrshire – The Exchange Secondary PARENTS

We have a counsellor on campus 5 days a week. 

If your child wishes to self refer they can do so by following this link:


We are really keen to hear from parents who have worked with the Exchange to support their child’s wellbeing.  If you are a parent who’s child has been working with the Exchange and are happy to provide us with some feedback, please complete this short GLOW Form

https://forms.office.com/Pages/ ResponsePage.aspx? id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKU3P64IApFxEobnGpMVp8R dUNDEyOTRTS1lTSkM5UVRBUlVRMVFLT0ZaSS4u



May I draw your attention to our new app (available free on app store ) D-exy! This is a great way for young people to keep connected and have remote support and resources. 


D-EXY YP Information