Month: April 2023

SQA Exam Diet- information on study leave and educational provision

Pupils in S4-6 will begin ‘study leave’ from Monday 24th April until Friday 2nd June, this covers the SQA exam diet. During this time pupils should not attend their usual timetable classes in school. Pupils are permitted to come into school and study for their exams in the open areas of C-block.

Any pupil who is sitting two or less N5 exams will be offered alternative education provision through our school partners at Yipworld, Skills Development Scotland and East Ayrshire Active Schools. Details of these sessions will be emailed to those parents / carers this afternoon.

Senior pupils who attend the SLC should continue to their normal classes during the exam diet.

We wish all of our young people the best of luck for their upcoming exams!

S1 Modern Languages Choices

In S1 all pupils have been studying French for 2 periods and have also had the opportunity to do a block of Spanish and German. In S2 all pupils will continue to study French for 2 periods and either Spanish or German for one period. This week all pupils in S1 will be asked to pick the language they would like to continue studying for 1 period in S2, this can either be German or Spanish. In S3 they will be able to continue with one of languages they are studying in S2, or they may even choose both. Pupils should pick the language they want to study based on what they are good at and what they enjoy, they should try to avoid picking it just because their friends have. Please discuss your child’s options with them and if you would like any advice, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Kilcolm the Principal Teacher of Modern Languages.