Month: December 2022

Art and Design Department Virtual Exhibition

Hi Everyone

We are really excited to share the Art and Design Department’s virtual art exhibition featuring student work from 2022. Art staff and pupils would be thrilled if you could take ten minutes to have a virtual walk around the exhibition to see the fantastic level of talent and creativity of our young people. If you double click on an image, it should tell you who the artist or designer is.
Link below:
Thank you and have a lovely Christmas and New Year folks!

Revised Prelim Dates

Dear Parent/Carer
Please note that, due to the industrial action as previously outlined, the prelim exams set for Wednesday 7 December must unfortunately be re-arranged. Please see the revised dates attached.
All other prelims will take place within the normal December diet. Apologies for this unavoidable amendment to the prelim programme.
Parents of SLC pupils, please also note that our Secondary SLC will be closed on Wednesday 7 December in line with the rest of the Robert Burns Academy.