President Reading 2
Category: Political Systems
Political Systems – Legislatures
1. The UK Legislature (Background)
3. The US Congress (Background)
5. 20 Mark Essay – Legislation – Origin and Passage
9. Origin and Passage Essay Guide
HOMEWORK: watch the following mini-documentary on Select Committees and their work
8. Comparison of the Legislative Branches – Scrutiny
Political Systems – Constitutions
What is a constitution?: video link
2. Sources of the UK Constitution
3. The Nature of the UK Constitution
4. US Constitution Reading Hwrk
6. Constitutions Essay – 12 marker
7. Constitutions Essay – 20 marker
8. The-myth-of-judicial-neutrality-USA
8. What-is-Judicial-Independence-Article
Complete the extended reading on the US Constitution (on the blog) and answer the following questions in detail.
1.Explain the difference between the reserved powers and concurrent powers outlined in the US Constitution.
2.Describe, in detail, the process of amending the Constitution of the USA.
3.Explain why the Constitution has been amended so little in the past 200 years.
4.For each branch of the government choose ONE way it can check another branch and, using examples, describe what the check is.
5.Why was limited government an important component of the Constitution for the Constitution Convention members?
6.Choose 3 ways in which the federal-state relationship has changed over time and describe the change in your own words.
Miss Devanney 😀