NCDT Table Top Clothing Sale

👗👖NCDT Table Top Clothing Sale 👖👗

Come and join NCDT for this bargain opportunity!  Bring your own bag and fill it for £3.  A range of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing! Aswell as some occasion wear and accessories.

– 16/05/24
– 5.30pm to 7.30pm
– New Cumnock Working Men’s Club
– FREE entry and £3 per bag (standard carrier/shopping bag)

NC Girls Group will also be there with teas, coffees and homebaking on sale!

Please pop in and say hello! We can’t wait to see you there!


Choir Award – Primary Burns Nationals Competition 1/6/24

As you have already been informed, our school choir have placed in the top 3 in Scotland for the choral competition and will be awarded our medals on stage on Saturday 1st June at Clydeview Academy, Gourock.

Please complete this Form to let Mrs McNulty know if your child plans on attending, to give her an idea of numbers of expect. Please be aware that transport on the day will be down to parental responsibility.

NCPS Mental Health Week 13-17th May 2024

13/5/24 Mental Health Awareness Week Scotland
From Monday 13th until Friday 17th May, we will be hosting activities for each class in support of Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”
Please remember when a gym kit is required – this must include your child bringing a change of footwear (trainers or plimsoles which can be worn indoors) and bringing (or wearing) shorts/leggings/joggers. We would encourage our upper children to have a change of top too, to keep them feeling fresh after physical activity.
Pinafores or school trousers being worn and footwear worn they have come to school in will result in your child being unable to take part.
Monday 13th May
·        All children will need gym kit and jewellery removed as there will be sport sessions for everyone in the gym hall. Please bring a water bottle.
·        P1, P1/2, P3/4 & P4/5 Lagoon walks – weather appropriate footwear and clothing please.
Tuesday 14th May
·        All children will need gym kit and jewellery removed as there will be fitness sessions for everyone in the gym hall. Please bring a water bottle.
·        P2, P3, P5, P6 Lagoon walks – weather appropriate footwear and clothing please.
Wednesday 15th May
·        P7 Lagoon walk – weather appropriate footwear and clothing please.
·        P4/5 & P5/6 children will need gym kit and jewellery removed as there will be games sessions in the gym hall. Please bring a water bottle.
Thursday 16th May
·        All children will need gym kit and jewellery removed as there will be karate for the middle to upper school and yoga sessions for everyone. Please bring a water bottle.
Friday 17th May
·        All children will need gym kit and jewellery removed as there will be games sessions for everyone. Please bring a water bottle.
Many thanks for your support in this,
Kind Regards
Miss McQueen

PE Kit


PE kit is required for all children in the school in order to participate in PE lessons. Lately, we have had more and more children missing out on PE lessons due to not having the correct kit to safely take part.

This includes:

  • a change of shoes to be worn indoors
  • shorts/joggers to change into
  • a change of t-shirt (this is more for our upper children who will be sweating during sessions and will want a fresh top to change back in to to wear for the remainder of the day)
  • long hair must be tied back
  • earrings must be out to participate in lessons too.

These items can be left in a bag on your child’s peg for safekeeping in school.

Your child’s PE days are noted on our blog. Please be mindful on these days that your child is arriving at school prepared  to take part when possible (this includes ensuring they are not wearing pinafores/jumpsuits which means they do not have a T-shirt in school.)

If you have any shorts/joggers or trainers/plimsoles that your child has outgrown, we would happily accept them in school to create a bank of clothing for our young people should they need to access it.

High School Musical T-Shirts

This year, we are gifting our School Show cast with High School Musical JR T-shirts which they can wear to rehearsals, will wear at the end of the show when all cast are on stage and also as a wee memento to keep to remember their time being part of this experience.

Can parents/carers, please complete to let us know sizes by no later than Friday 3rd May to let us get the order in.
Kind regards,
Mrs McNulty

Sticky Fingers update

My child will (required)

Due to the timing of last week’s post when P7 were away on their residential, we have decided to allow another week for anyone wanting to sign up for this. First session will now be on 7th May from 3-4.

Mrs Ramsay and Mrs Bradford    Redditch, Moons Moat First School - Mental Health

Sticky Fingers After-school Club

East Ayrshire Council site

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