Stars of the Week 7/3/25


Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.

P1 – Piper M and Emily W for MUTUAL RESPECT

P1/2 – Harper C  for DETERMINATION

P2/3 – Daniel M for DETERMINATION

P3/4 – Alexander M for AMBITION


P4/5 – Riley S for DETERMINATION



P7 – Hannah-Rose S for ALL VALUES

Our Waste Warriors this week are: PRIMARY 1 and PRIMARY 6

Our House winner this week is: THISTLE

Robert Burns World Federation Competitions – Art and Writing

I would like to bring to your attention the following National level competitions, which run alongside the Schools competitions we currently enter in Singing, Verse Speaking and Instrumental.

Competition 1 – Art

For P6 & P7 pupils

A scene from Scottish History or from a Burns song or poem.

Art may be a painting, or drawing using any medium, excluding computer generated images. Artwork should be no greater than A3 in size.

Competition 2 – Writing in Scots Language

P7 Pupils

The content should be about Robert Burns or any poem, animal or event in his works and may be written in any of the languages of Scotland. Pupils are invited to write a short story no more than A4 size and 300-500 words in length. The work may be handwritten, or computer generated and should be signed by the entrant as their own work.

Should your child wish to enter, please return completed entries to Mrs McNulty by Monday 24th March to enable them to be posted off by the deadline.

There are certificates, trophies and a monetary prize to the winning school for winning entries.

New Cumnock Community Sports Hub – Football Camp

New Cumnock Community Sports Hub presents our Easter Football Camp!
Open to all young people from age 3 to 12 and all levels of skill.  We cant wait for you to come and join in!   Fun filled football skills, drills and games then finishing off with a “congratulations presentation”
  • When – 8th April 2025
  • Time – Mini Kickers(Age 3/5) @ 9.30am to 10.30am and Big Kids Camp (Ages 6/12) 11am to 4pm
  • Where – Greenhead Playing Fields, New Cumnock
  • How Much – £3pp for mini kickers and £10pp for Big Kids
*Coaches PVG checked* *Please note mini kickers must be accompanied by an adult*

Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition Success 2025

We couldn’t be more proud of Team New Cumnock today! ❤️

Each and every one of our pupils who represented the school at the Regional Ayrshire Burns Schools Competition is a superstar. The performances they gave in front of a large audience and the feedback from the judges on their adjudication sheets is testament to that.

We are delighted to be bringing home the following prizes:

3rd place P1-3 Verse Speaking: Alice M

3rd place P4/5 Verse Speaking: Stewart Y

1st place P6/7  Verse Speaking: Adele M

1st place P6/7  Singing: Arabella S

Millar S was also in the top 6 who had to compete again in a head to head for the P1-3 Verse Speaking.

Our P1-3 Verse Speaking entries – Millar S, Alice M and Annika S

Our P4/5 Verse Speaking entries – Daisy M, Connie B, Stewart Y, Olivia M and Lewis J

Our P6/7 Verse Speaking entries – Adele M and Harry W

Our P6/7 Singing entries – Paige Y, Jorja K, Arabella S and Adele M

Also a huge well done to our former pupils who are now at Robert Burns Academy and bringing home the following prizes to New Cumnock:

3rd place S1/2 Verse Speaking: Amy J

3rd place S1/2 Singing: Aleesha C

2nd place S3/4 Verse Speaking: Emma Y

3rd place S3/4 Verse Speaking: Emma J

1st place S3/4 Singing: Emma J

1st place S5/6 Verse Speaking: Adana W

Well done everyone, you are all stars! ⭐️

Mrs McNulty would like to extend her thanks to Mrs Wilson for coming in to school to accompany our singers to help them rehearse on the run up to the competition. ❤️

We are delighted that our 1st and 2nd place winners have now been invited to attend the National Burns Competitions in Dumfries to represent Ayrshire later this year! 🤩

Stars of the Week 28/2/25


Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.


P1/2 – Ellie P for MUTUAL RESPECT

P2/3 – Daisy F for DETERMINATION

P3/4 – Freya B for DETERMINATION


P4/5 – Ariah D for DETERMINATION

P5 – Alfie M for AMBITION

P6 – Cayden F for AMBITION


Our Waste Warriors this week are: PRIMARY 1 and PRIMARY 5

Our House winner this week is: HEATHER

***Important*** Learning Journals App Update

Thank you for your patience regarding the issues we have been experiencing with the Learning Journals app… please do the following to resolve this problem.

  1. Delete the Learning Journals app that was previously used.
  2. Access the Apple Store/Play Store and search for “Learning Journals Parent Zone” (See image below that shows you what you are looking for.
  3. Install the app and insert your username/password/PIN and you are good to go.  You now should be able to access the Journals without needing to log in every time.

If you need a reset email sent out with your username, which will then prompt you to reset your password, please complete the form below and Mrs Johnstone will reset your details – keep a check on your emails for the reset arriving.

Thank you so much for your patience with this situation.

Any issues please get in touch.


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