Red Nose Day 17/3/23

18 March – Comic Relief Day – Two Waters Primary School

Primary 3 are organising Red Nose Day this Friday 17th March.

They are asking everyone to come to school dressed in brightly coloured clothing to spread the cheer. We would kindly ask you to donate £1 through ParentPay to raise money for Comic Relief.

There will be a Talent Show held that afternoon for the pupils. No donation is required for pupils to attend this, this is just for fun and raise awareness. ❤️

Ayrshire Burns Schools Competition 2023

We couldn’t be more proud of Team New Cumnock today! ❤️

Each and every one of our pupils who represented the school at the Regional Ayrshire Burns Schools Competition is a superstar. The performances they gave in front of a large audience and the feedback from the judges on their adjudication sheets is testament to that!

We are delighted to be bringing home the following prizes:

🏆🥇1st place P4/5 Singing: Adele M

🥈2nd place P6/7 Singing: Aleesha C

🥉3rd place P6/7 Verse Speaking: Arran J

🥈2nd place P6/7 Instrumental: Devan B

🥉3rd place P6/7 Instrumental: Aleesha C

Also a huge well done to our former pupils who are now at Robert Burns Academy and bringing home the following prizes to New Cumnock:

🏆🥇1st place S1/2 Verse Speaking: Emma J

🥈2nd place S3/4 Verse Speaking: Adana W

🥈2nd place S1/2 Singing: Emma J

Well done everyone, you are all stars! ⭐️

Mrs McNulty would like to extend her thanks to Mrs Wilson for coming in to school to accompany our singers to help them rehearse on the run up to the competition. ❤️

We are delighted that our 1st and 2nd place winners have now been invited to attend the National Burns Competitions to represent Ayrshire later this year! 🤩

Communication Friendly Schools – Sign of the Fortnight

So far, we have shared the following signs with you – see previous posts:

  • thank you
  • sorry
  • well done
  • help you
  • help me
  • numbers 0-10
  • 5 vowels

The new signs for this week are the alphabet finger spelling signs – this is a fundamental sign in BSL and if you know the finger spelling then you can communicate at a simple level with a deaf person through spelling out the words.

also we have added a video to share the days of the week signs too.

Stars of the Week 3/3/23


Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.





P3/4 – Taylor W for RESPONSIBILITY

P4/5 – Lucas F for DETERMINATION


P6 – Shivani RS for MUTUAL RESPECT


Our Clean Green Schools Team have weekly awards to share too:

Our Fuel Free Friday winners this week are: Primary 6

Our Waste Winners this week are: Primary 6

This week’s Times Table Rock Stars class winners are:

Primary 3/4

Primary 4/5

Primary 5

Primary 6

Primary 7

Speech and Language Therapy – Top Tips

We have a very close link with the Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)service here at the School and they share top tips on their social media platforms.  I will highlight these as a when appropriate.

If you have ANY concerns regarding your child’s speech and language, please do not hesitate to contact the team – see contact details below: –

Please see below the top tips recently shared by the SLT recently – please make use of these if appropriate for your child.

Burns Candlelight Tea Success!

Last week we hosted our first School Burns Supper with a Candlelight Tea theme! It was a hugely successful and enjoyable evening. We are extremely grateful to the support shown by our families and partner agencies such as the New Cumnock Burns Club and the Ayrshire Burns Association for attending. We were thoroughly entertained by a variety of songs, instruments and verse speaking. What an array of talent we have in New Cumnock! We feel this will be the first of many Burns events hosted in our school! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤩

A huge thank you to Emma J for capturing these images for us on the night!

Scottish Parliament Recognition!

New Cumnock Primary School would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Sharon Dowey MSP for her recognition of our pupil’s hard work achieving our Bronze Clean Green Schools award with special recognition for Energy, our Climate Champion East Ayrshire Youth award and our 5th Green Flag award!

We received a copy of the Motion which was read out in the Scottish Parliament!

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