P7 BBC Burns TV Stars

Back in December, we reported to our families, sharing the wonderful work Primary 7 did with BBC Scotland on a Burns Project for the BBC L.A.B website where they recited, directed, filmed and created animation for the Burns poem, ‘To a Mouse’.

Image result for bbc lab

We are delighted to report that not only do we go ‘Live’ on the BBC LAB website (www.bbc.co.uk/labscotland) this Thursday 25th January in honour of our National Bard’s birthday, but our film will also be included in the TV programme, ‘Burns Night’ which will be broadcast on BBC Scotland Channel at 8pm on Thursday evening too!

Be sure to set your reminders, this is not to be missed!!!


School Choir perform in Glasgow

On Saturday 20th January, our school choir were invited to attend and perform at the Glasgow and District Wreath Laying Ceremony in George Square, Glasgow. Mrs McNulty with P6 and P7 choir members performed Burns and Scots pieces at Glasgow City Chambers, at the wreath laying ceremony at the Burns monument in George Square and then again at The Merchants House in George Square. In the absence of a piper, the children were even asked to sing as the procession walked through George Square which the children were delighted to do!
It was a wonderful day, and we were all delighted and honoured to have been invited to be part of it! A huge thank you to Mrs Johnstone and Mr Burns for their help and support on the day!

Ayrshire Burns Schools Competition 2024

I am delighted to share that this year’s Ayrshire Regional Burns Competition will be held in Belmont Academy, Ayr on Saturday 2nd March 2024. 

The competition will take place in 5 different disciplines:

  • Verse Speaking
  • Singing
  • Instrumental
  • Bagpiping
  • Chanter

The same pupil may be entered for one, two or more disciplines,
e.g. Singing and Instrumental.

The verse speaking category is open to P1-7 pupils, the other 4 remain available for P4-7 pupils.

As always, I will be volunteering my time to work with pupils who are keen to enter. This time however, will be limited, therefore pupils will be required to spend time practising at home.

I have very much appreciated the efforts of pupils who have entered these competitions in previous years. We have experienced lots of success in these competitions due to the high standard of talent in our New Cumnock Primary pupils!

If your child wishes to enter the competition, please complete the form below by no later than this Friday 26th January to allow me to make contact with families and complete the official paperwork that is required in order to enter.

I look forward to working with our talented pupils once again!

Mrs McNulty

NCPS Tartan Trek 25/1/24

Next Thursday 25th January, on Robert Burns’ birthday, the whole school will be taking part in a ‘Tartan Trek’.

The walk will start at the school and go around the Knockshinnoch lagoons before returning back to school before the end of the school day.

We will be leaving school at 1.30pm, so please look out for us and give us a toot or a wave at your windows as we pass by!

We are encouraging everyone to wear tartan on this day in honour of Robert Burns’ birthday, but please also be mindful of the outdoor weather and ensure your child is dressed appropriately for being outside too.

This will be a sponsored event. Sponsor forms will be coming home today and we are encouraging children to ask friends and family if they would like to sponsor them for participating in this walk. Money should be brought to school next Thursday morning where it will be collected in by your child’s class teacher.

All money raised by the walk will go towards our school funds.

Upon our return to school, children will be treated to a drink and a snack which is very kindly being gifted to us from the New Cumnock Development Trust – thank you in advance for this!

We are looking for parent helpers to accompany us on our walk, so if you are free next Thursday afternoon and would like to help, please ring the school and we will pop your name down to come along.

Thank you in advance for your support with this whole school fundraising event!

We are a Communication Friendly School!

We are delighted, at New Cumnock Primary School, to be officially presented with our Communication Friendly Schools status.

Hayley from the Speech and Language Team came to our school Get Together to present our plaque to members of our Communication Friendly Schools Pupil Leadership Team.

Jorja and Paige were delighted to accept it on behalf of the school. We have worked hard as a school over the past 2 years to achieve this status and we are so proud.

School Choir Event Sat 20th Jan

Our school choir have been kindly invited to perform in George Square in Glasgow next Saturday as part of a Robert Burns memorial event in the run up to Burn’s birthday.

They will not only be singing at the laying of wreaths at Robert Burns statue in George Square but also at City Chambers and then The Merchants House. What a prestigious event and fabulous opportunity for our talented young people!

The Jean Armour Burns Trust who are organising the event, are kindly funding our transport costs and are also providing the lunch for the children next Saturday too.

At the organisers request, spaces are limited so I can only offer this opportunity to P6 and P7 choir members. Letters will be sent home on Monday with consent slips and information about bus times and what chidlren will be required to wear and bring.

The children were informed of this today so I wanted to let families know to give prior warning.

We are very much looking forward to being part of this event and will meet at various times during the school day next week and indeed at Monday’s rehearsal to prepare for this.

Kind regards,

Mrs McNulty

NCDT Sew Confident

Sew Confident is BACK for 2024

Fancy giving something new a try?  “Sew Confident” is a 4wk taster course in sewing!  From the basics to completing a project to show off to friends and family!
“Sew Confident” will run 4wks, those who join in will create a fabulous project that they will showcase at the end of the block!
Open to anyone P4/5/6/7
Tuesday’s starting 16/01/24 – 3.30pm to 5pm @ Renew Cumnock Textile Hub (The Station Building)
 x4 Week Block Booking is £5pp

BOOK NOW – https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/new-cumnck-development-trust/t-qjgaolq

NCDT Girls Group

🤩 New Cumnock Girls Group 🤩

Our group is back for 2024 starting 16/01/24.
Open to girls age p7+ we meet weekly taking part in a wide range of activities and also throughout the year go on outings and trips.
Day – Tuesday
Time – 5.30pm to 7pm
Where – Hunter Suite, Loch Park.
How much – £15 each 6wk block (TRY YOUR FIRST SESSION FOR FREE)

If you think this is something you would like to try and would like info please drop us a private message!

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