Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise

Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise netball and basketball sessions are back! All information can be found on the poster but if you require more information please contact

To register please follow the links below or scan the QR code attached to the poster!

S1-S6 Netball –

P4-P7 Basketball –

P4-P7 Netball –

Celebrating World Book Day 6/3/24

On Wednesday 6th March we will be celebrating World Book Day at school.

Children are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a book or to come dressed in their pyjamas bringing their favourite bedtime story.

The Book Fair will be arriving at school that week. Children will visit the Book Fair with their class and will create a ‘Wish List’ that they will bring home. Parents/carers, then have the opportunity to make any purchases online, should they wish.

On World Book Day, we will be holding a ‘Big Book Swap’. If your child has any books they no longer read, which are in good condition, they can bring them to school on the Wednesday, to swap for a new book which they can take home.

Burns Family Night

Our highly anticipated Family Burns Night is tomorrow night 6-8pm!!!

We still have tickets for sale which can be purchased using the link below.

We kindly ask that our P7 helpers and children who are performing arrive at school for 5.45pm. Entry will be via the Community Entrance.

We have invited guests who will be performing, who have kindly offered to bring along copies of their books to sell on the night.

Information can be found below, please remember it will be cash sales only on the night.

Simon Lamb is a poet, storyteller and performer who also works as the Scriever at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Alloway.

He will be selling, signing and dedicating copies of his book, ‘A Passing On of Shells’ on the night for £10.

Stuart Paterson is a Scottish poet and performer who has been widely published in newspapers and magazine at home and abroad.

He will be promoting his books, ‘Wheen‘ and ‘A Squatter o Bairnrhymes’.

Stuart will have limited numbers of copies available to purchase on the night for £10, or you can buy your own copy of his books using the link below.

NCPS Valentine’s Disco 14/2/24

Don’t forget our Valentine’s Disco is on tonight!

P1-P3 6:00-7:00pm

P3/4-P7 7:15-8:15pm

Purchase your child’s ticket beforehand using the link below.

We will have a tuck shop available to buy with all items priced under £1 each.

We have also kindly been gifted sweetie hampers which will be raffled off. You can purchase a raffle ticket at £1 to be in with the chance of winning a hamper.

DJ Wee Parky has also kindly offered to gift a free disco to one lucky raffle winner too, tickets are £1 to be entered in the prize draw for this.

All money raised will go to our P7 residential trip.

We look forward to seeing you all later tonight!

New Cumnock Parish Church Burns Supper 2024

On Saturday, 2 of our pupils were invited to perform at the New Cumnock Parish Church Burns Supper.

Amy addressed the haggis as well as recited ‘To a Mouse’ and Aleesha sang, ‘John Anderson, My Jo’. We are very proud of you girls for taking your talents out into the wider community!

We were delighted to see our former pupil, Emma, on the programme too, who is continuing her love of the Scots language into her Secondary schooling. Keep it up Emma! ⭐

Well done girls! ⭐

School Poetry Competition 2024

On Wednesday 24th January, we held our annual Scots Poetry School Competition. A huge thank you to our 4 judges for coming along and taking the difficult decision off Mrs McNulty’s hands!

We are amazed each year at the talent and confidence displayed by our young people when they perform for us! A huge well done to every one of them!

Primary 1

Primary 1/2

Primary 2/3

Primary 3

Primary 3/4

Primary 4/5

Primary 5/6

Primary 6

Primary 7

Well done everyone! 

Burns Family Night 22/2/24

Our school choir members and class winners from our school Poetry Competition will soon be lettered to invite them to perform at our Burns Family Night on Thursday 22nd February 6-8pm. (Please see the poster below for more information)

Tickets to attend must be purchased prior to the event. Performers do not require a ticket to attend.

We would encourage family and friends to purchase a ticket to come along and show their support. Be quick so as not to miss out!

The quick link to purchase tickets can be found below. It’s sure to be wonderful night, jammed pack with entertainment!

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