Category Archives: Wider Achievement

Big Schools Bird Watch – Friday 12th Feb

Our final day of bird watching! I hope you have enjoyed this week and perhaps learned a little bit more about the regular visitors to your garden and surrounding area. Maybe you’ll be come a regular bird watcher from now on, I know I am!

Please let me know what you saw yesterday by filling out the form below. I will post the final form later on this afternoon for today’s spots.

Thank you so much to P2/3 for all the wonderful information they have provided us with this week. 

Today’s bird is a blackbird.

I’ve included another hands on activity today because I love the fact you can recycle things lying around to make it. This is how to make a bird bath! I don’t know if you have ever see birds having a bath, maybe in a puddle? It’s great to watch them and will bring a smile to your face. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Use the link below for some ideas and adapt it to suit you!

To finish off this week’s activities I’ve included another audio story. If you scroll to the bottom of this link you will find a story about a blackbird. Sit back, relax and enjoy the story.

Big Schools Bird Watch – Thursday 11th Feb

Hello to all our bird watchers of New Cumnock Primary School! Please tell me what you spotted yesterday by filling out the form below.

Bird of the day is brought to you by P2/3.

Today’s bird is a sparrow.

If you can, have a look at this PowerPoint which explains in more detail about the bird watch and why it is important to take part.


I have a very ambitious activity that you might want to try with a grown up at some point, maybe not today unless you have the materials to hand. It is very exciting to have a bird box nearby and watch the birds coming and going. We have one in our garden and were fortunate enough to have blue tits nesting last year, it was an amazing experience! If you’d like to give building your own box a go follow the link below.

Don’t forget to take 10 minutes again today to spot birds in your area. I look forward to seeing your results tomorrow!


Dress To Express – Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

A huge well done to everyone who took part in Mrs McMurdo’s Wider Achievement Challenge of Dress to Express last week. We loved seeing photos and videos of you all dressed to reflect how you feel and your explanations were super!

Apologies that these photos were missed from our video, but they are too good not to share! Thank you Mary and Miss Mason for your fabulous entries!

Big Schools Bird Watch – Tuesday 9th Feb

Welcome to day two of our Big Schools Bird Watch! What a beautiful clear day for bird watching yesterday, what did you spot? I saw lots of lovely birds in our garden including robins, blue tits, great tits and sparrows!

Please complete the form to tell me what you saw.

I hope you can find 10 minutes in your day today to have a little look for the birds around you. It’s a wonderful relaxing activity to take part in and you can do it on your own or with someone, even your whole household!

Our bird of the day is brought to you by P2/3.

Today it is the Blue Tit!

The first activity idea I have for you today is a story. It is very cold outside this week so snuggle up and enjoy a wee story with someone in your house. They are about our bird of the day, a very common bird we see where we live, a blue tit.

There are three stories to choose from using the links below. The third is an audio story.

Once you’ve listened to a story I’d love to see any art you could do to show me your favourite part. Maybe you could draw a picture or make the characters using play dough. Please send them to your teacher or to me at

Here are a couple of online bird games for you to try…

Feather Frenzy | Learning Game for Kids – The RSPB

I look forward to seeing your masterpieces and what birds you spotted today!


Happy birthday Rabbie!

As you will all be aware, learning about the life and works of Robert Burns is a big part of our curriculum and heritage here at New Cumnock Primary.

Normally, this time of year is busy and exciting with poetry, signing and instrumental rehearsals taking place in preparation for school, regional and even National level competitions!

Unfortunately, these competitions have been cancelled this year due to the current Covid restrictions.

However, here at New Cumnock Primary, we still want to celebrate the work of our National Bard and showcase our pupil’s poetry talents to our wider community!

We received lots of video entries for our Burns celebration, and Mrs McNulty was delighted that she was able to use every one that was sent in. Thank you so much, we hope you enjoy!

Please find below some ideas and activities if you wish to celebrate Robert Burns’ birthday with your own Burns Supper at home tonight.

How to celebrate Burns Night – History Scotland

Burns Night Activities For Kids (

Make Your Own Tartan Craft (



UPDATE: Please check this video upload below if you had difficulty with the previous video playing on your device. If you are continuing to experience problems, please contact Mrs McNulty at

East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest – The Results Are In!

Well done to all our pupils that logged in and joined the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest this week! We hope you all had fun and enjoyed putting your maths knowledge to the test.

Out of the 119 classes that qualified for the contest, we are so proud to share with you that 3 of our classes made it into the top 10! Well done P6/7, P1/2 and P3!

7th Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 458
9th Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 419
10th Miss McQueen P3 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 408

In addition to this, out of the 1385 students that played along, 3 of our pupils made it into the top 50! Well done to Noah M from P1/2, Brooke W from P4 and Megan M from P6/7!

11th Noah M Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 972
23rd Brooke W Mrs Petrie P4 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 955
43rd Megan M Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 924

Blue Peter star performance!

We hope you all managed to catch tonight’s episode of Blue Peter to see our wonderful school choir represent Scotland in their Christmas Special.

It was so exciting to hear and see our wonderful singers in action, having the time of their lives! What an amazing opportunity for them to be part of, they really are superstars! We are so incredibly proud of you all!

In case you missed it, here are some snapshots and a recording from the show. You can also watch it again on BBC iPlayer.

Our school choir are Blue Peter superstars!!!

We are so excited to share with you that our school choir were approached by the Blue Peter team from the BBC to perform in their Christmas special episode! (Once Mrs McNulty got over the shock of the phone call and the realisation that it was really someone from the BBC and not anyone prank calling her!) we were straight to work learning and rehearsing the song composed for the event. The song is a modern day mash up of traditional Christmas songs, and was very catchy indeed!

As we were unable to meet as a group for some time, we used Microsoft Teams to hear the track so we could sing along at home, learn the words and actions and keep in touch with Mrs McNulty until we were able to meet as a group.

A lot of work and planning from our Senior Leadership Team, East Ayrshire Health and Safety and the BBC production team went into making this opportunity possible, ensuring it was safe for everyone in the current climate and we are extremely grateful for this!

We felt like movie stars on the day and were so glad that the weather was in our favour as we had to sing outside. Our children behaved like total professionals, braving the cold weather for the entirety of our shoot and singing their hearts out at every take!

After our performance, we each received Blue Peter badges and are now the envy of all our friends and family!

Please tune in to watch us this Thursday 17th December at 5.30pm on the CBBC or CBeebies channel.

Here are some photos from the day, a big thank you to Mike, our official East Ayrshire photographer for capturing some super shots for us!

New Cumnock Primary School are award winners!

We are so proud to share with you that our school have received a number of prestigious awards in recent weeks.

East Ayrshire Inclusive Education (DFS) Silver Award

Mrs Elliott has worked hard to present all the hard work going on in New Cumnock Primary to show that we are an inclusive school and have strategies in place to make us Dyslexia friendly. We are delighted to share that we were awarded the East Ayrshire Inclusive Education (DFS) Silver Award. The panel had a wonderful morning hearing about our inclusive journey. A huge well done to all involved!

Digital Schools Award

In addition to this, Mrs Petrie has been working her socks off to present information to a panel of validators about our digital journey. We are excited to share that with all the evidence Mrs Petrie provided to show that we are using innovative practise, we have been awarded with the Digital Schools Award. They were very impressed to hear the work that our children are doing to support staff and each other to upskill our digital abilities. They were so pleased with our digital journey and leadership shown that we have been recommend to become a mentor school! This is amazing! A huge well done to everyone!

RSPB Wild Challenge Bronze Award

Furthermore, Mrs Johnstone and Primary 1 have been working hard with the Learning Outdoor Support Team (LOST) to investigate ways to care for and experience nature, and a result have been awarded the Wild Challenge Bronze Award. Well done to you all, what an achievement!

Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition 2020

On Saturday 7th March, Mrs McNulty, parents/carers and 33 of our pupils attended Irvine Royal Academy to participate in the Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition.

We had pupils entered in Verse Speaking, Singing and Instrumental sections.

For the first time ever there was a P1-3 Verse Speaking section and we were not restricted to how many entries we could submit so Mrs McNulty thought, the more the merrier!

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to get our children ready for this competition, a huge well done to our pupils and parents/carers for the work you have put into being prepared.

A great day was had by all. The standard of talent was exceptionally high and not only did our pupils shine with their singing, speaking and musical talents, but also with their positive attitudes and excellent behaviour! We couldn’t be prouder of you all! A huge well done to all our participants.

Under normal circumstances, our 1st and 2nd place prize winners Alex M and Lucy W would represent Ayrshire at the National Competition in Carluke, however, due to COVID-19, unfortunately there will not be a Nationals Competition this year.

Team New Cumnock!

Our Verse Speaking performers

Our Singing performers

Our Instrumental performers

We were delighted to enter 2 former pupils, who are now at Cumnock Academy. Casey K was entered in S1/2 singing and Adana W was entered in S1/2 Verse Speaking

Emma Y made it to the final 6 in P4/5 Verse Speaking and got to perform again in front of a big audience

Lucy W made it to the final 6 in P6/7 Verse Speaking and got to perform again in front of a big audience

As we weren’t able to track down everyone for photos at the event, it was a great excuse for Mrs McNulty to have another photo shoot with us all back at school!

Our proud Verse Speakers with their certificates

Our proud Singers with their certificates

Our proud Instrumentalists with their certificates

Our proud prize winners! 

1st place P4/5 Singing – Alex M

2nd place P6/7 Verse Speaking – Lucy W

3rd place Instrumental – Hayley C

Certificate of Merit P4/5 Verse Speaking – Emma Y

Mrs McNulty hopes to get copies of the official photos taken on the day and will get these to you all when she does.