Category Archives: Wider Achievement

School Poetry Afternoon

This afternoon we hosted our school poetry competition. We were delighted to welcome all our classes and families and friends of our finalists in to watch.

Every one of our finalists showed such bravery, courage and wonderful performance skills, and the cheers from our audience were testament to how proud our school community are of you all.

A huge well done to you all!

A big thank you goes out to Mr and Mrs Skilling from the Ayrshire Burns Association for coming along to show their support and to our 3 judges, Iain Burgoyne (better known as Budgie), Reverend Ken Yorke and Billy Hastie for coming along to help us with the difficult job of judging the wonderful talent on display.

Prize winners are noted below:


1st: Millar S

2nd: Skye J

3rd: Amelia W


1st: Brooke F

2nd: Megan M


1st equal: Riley S & Stewart Y

2nd: Daisy M

3rd: Bryce W


1st: Ella M

2nd: Honor P

3rd: Darcy B


1st: Olivia M

2nd: Ciara O


1st: Kal M

2nd: Baylee M


1st: Adele M

2nd: Riley B

3rd: Joey H


1st: Amy J

2nd: Quyn F

3rd: Shaun F


1st: Bruce G

2nd: Arran J

FAB Friday 16/12/22

Image result for fab friday

Tomorrow, we will be hosting a whole school FAB Friday Get Together, where we will be recognising the wider achievements of our pupils outside of school.

We want to hear about your child’s successes! Please bring in your certificates, medals or stories about your achievement.


Burns Competition Success Shared


At Friday’s Get Togethers, we were entertained by pupils who competed in the Ayrshire Burns Competition this month, showcasing their talents in singing, poetry and instrumental to their peers.

Everyone was amazed by and in awe of the talent displayed by our young people! Many pupils have since voiced an interest in competing next year after seeing what can be achieved.

Mrs Wilson was presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers to say thank you for all her help in support in accompanying our singers with the piano. We are so grateful for her help!

Well done again to all our talented children, we are so proud of you all!

Ayrshire Burns Competition 2022

We couldn’t be more proud of Team New Cumnock this weekend! ❤️

Each and every one of our pupils who represented the school at the Regional Ayrshire Burns Competition is a superstar. The performances they gave in front of a large audience and the feedback from the judges on their adjudication sheets is testament to that!

We are delighted to be bringing home the following prizes:

1st place P6/7 Instrumental: Ciara B

1st place P6/7 Singing: Alex M

1st place P4/5 Singing: Adele M

2nd place P6/7 Poetry: Emma Y

3rd place P1-3 Poetry: Kal M

Well done everyone, you are all stars! ⭐️

Mrs McNulty would like to extend her thanks to Mrs Wilson for coming in to school to accompany our singers to help them rehearse on the run up to the competition. ❤️

Calling All New Cumnock Kids for NCDT!

New Cumnock Community Kids
As New Cumnock Development Trust continue to develop youth work and youth provision in our community, we are delighted to let you know that we are on the look out for NCDT Community Kids 2022! In days gone by we had a Royal Gala Party but NCDT want to bring you Community Kids!
Our community kids will represent the community at wide range of NCDT events from April 2022 to April 2023! They will attend activities and have a special range of duties to carry out over the year!
We will be recruiting:
x2 junior Community Kids from the CURRENT primary 3 or 4
x2 senior Community Kids from the CURRENT primary 5 or 6.
If you think you know a young person up for the challenge and who can represent New Cumnock for the year with a smile on their face and ready to be involved then please mail our Facebook page or email for more information or an application form.
*Please note applicants will be expected to come along for a chat with a couple of members of team NCDT.
We cannot wait to see who is chosen!

Tidy Friday Launch

Our Natural Environment group were really excited to kick start the TIDY FRIDAY initiative this week with a playground litter pick!

To support our Eco Schools and Clean Green Schools award, Tidy Friday will involve to whole school on a rota, actively engaging in keeping our school and playground looking the best it can be!

Thanks for doing such a super job in wet conditions boys!

Wider Achievement Targets – Silver (1/6/21)

Our fortnightly Wider Achievement Tasks which count towards your Silver Award have now been selected by your class teachers.

The focus of your tasks may include one or two of  the 4 Capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.  So they may encourage you to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners or Confident Individuals.

Class teachers will be looking for evidence of you working towards these targets at school or you may even do this at home, so please share it with them.

Keep up the good work superstars!

Wider Achievement Overview 28.5.21


Wider Achievement – Bronze Level Winners!

We have been working our way through our our fortnightly Wider Achievement Tasks with many of our children now having secured Bronze Level!

This means you have shown the ability to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals at Bronze Level. Well done!

Next step for you… Silver Level!

Well done to each of our Bronze Level winners from each class who are shown below.

Primary 1

Primary 1/2

Primary 2/3

Primary 3

Primary 4

Primary 4/5

Primary 5/6

Primary 6/7

Primary 7